When it comes to open-world games there is a high chance that players can miss out on some of the loot. These worlds are just so huge that you might get lost or you’ll miss a loot chest here and there. That’s why some games have a list for you to check out, but not everything is in there!
In Once Human, each area in the game has a list that you can look through on what loot is there in an area. Sometimes these lists aren’t complete, and loot crates can be hidden around that you might miss. That’s why you should know where to look for these!
In this guide, we’ll show you all of the mystical, gear, and weapon crates that you can get in Gaia Research Center. We’ll go through where you can find them and how to get to them. Now, let’s see where all the loot is!
Gaia Research Center Ruins All Mystical, Weapon & Gear Crates Location
There are a lot of areas in Once Human that have all sorts of loot crates for players to find. It’s a way for the developers to let players explore as well as get some great gear. Below is an image of all of the loot crates that you can get in Gaia Research Center Ruins as well as an Elite enemy!
SIDE NOTE: We have a collective and complete guide for all Weapon, Gear & Mystical crates in all the locations of Once Human, make sure to check it out!

Rift Anchor
For the first one on the list, we have the Rift Anchor which is easy to spot since it usually has a purple light emitting from it. You can find the Rift Anchor on top of a rock near the road that leads to the giant radio dish in the northwestern parts of the area.

Elite Enemy
For the next one, you’ll want to continue going west from the Rift Anchor. Follow the road going up to the Giant Radar Dish, and you’ll find a couple of enemies there. One of the enemies is an Elite one, so make sure you bring your best gear to deal with it!

Gear Crate
Once you’ve cleared the Radar Dish area of enemies, go inside and head to the right. On top of an elevated platform with barrels is a Gear Crate that you can loot as shown below. These crates often give you armor or upgrades for your character.

Weapon Crate #1
The next crate that we’ll be going to is in the center of the Gaia Research Center Ruins. On top of the shipping containers in that area is a Weapon Crate that you can loot. As the name implies, these crates often give you stuff like weapons, grenades, or ammunition.

Weapon Crate #2
When you face to the west of the Shipping crates, you’ll see this building as shown below. Go up the stairs and then enter the building, then go straight until you see a doorway to the left.

Go through the doorway as shown below and then head downstairs until you reach the bottom. Go through the door and head right to get to another area.

When you see the area with some railings, jump over the railings and go down. There, you’ll see this chamber as shown below that has another Weapon Crate that you can loot!

Weapon Crate #3
For this next one, you’ll need to go back to the Shipping Containers where you found the first weapon crate. This time, head to the west where you’ll see this long tent. Go inside the tent and you’ll find another Weapon Crate inside!

Mystical Crate
From the long tent, go south and then west through a gate until you find this building as shown below. Go inside the building and head left.

You’ll find this small glass room where you’ll need to activate the blue console next to the door. Once you activate that, the door will open and inside you’ll find a Mystical Crate! These crates often give you blueprint fragments so make sure to get this one!

Those are all of the loot crates that you can find around Gaia Research Center Ruins in Once Human. Now, go out there and try to find all of that yourself! Nearby is the Dayton Hospital with even more loot. Check out our Dayton Hospital All Loot Crate Guide for more details!