You can find a lot of good loot from the crates that can be found in all the locations in Once Human. Quite a few players have also been going through these locations to complete the Explore missions. Whatever your reason may be, one such location you’ll have to go to is the Refinery Pollution Point! In this guide, we’ll be showing where you can find all the Mystical, Gear and Weapon Crates locations in this area. This includes an optional hidden Mystical Crate that you can also get. Let’s get into it!
Refinery Pollution Point All Mystical & Gear Crates Location
It’s important to note that you won’t have to get all the Crates if you’re just trying to finish the Explore Refinery Pollution Point quest. This means you’ll be able to skip one of the Gear Crates and the secret Mystical Crate.
But we still recommend you get all of them. This is because you can get a lot of valuable loot from these Crates in Once Human. With that said, here are the Crate locations. Feel free to use the Table of Contents if you’re only interested in a specific crate.
Weapon Crate Location
Starting off, we’ll be getting the one and only Weapon Crate in Refinery Pollution Point. Start by heading to the location that we have marked on the Once Human map below.

When you reach this area, you’ll see a large building towards the top. There are multiple ways to get to it, but the easiest way is to use the stairs on the outside. You can also use the staircase inside.

When you reach the top, go through the open door that you see. The Weapon Crate will be there ready for you to loot.

Mystical Crate Location
Once you get the Weapon Crate in Once Human, immediately exit through the same door that you got in from. Now make your way to the side of the building.
You should be able to see a ladder against the wall. This ladder leads all the way to the roof of the building. Make sure to climb this ladder to the top.

When you reach the roof of the building, go towards the right. Now all you need to do is go around the length of the roof to the other side.

You’ll find the Mystical Crate for Refinery Pollution Point on one end of the roof there.

Gear Crate #1 Location
The first Gear Crate location is also quite close here in Refinery Pollution Point. You can find it by going outside towards the South Side of the building where you found the other crate locations in Once Human.
Any easy way to get there is by going through the giant hole at the bottom of the building.

From here, you’ll be able to access all the sides of the building. Look through each exit until you see a parking lot with some trucks.
The Gear Crate location will be at the back of one of the trucks there. Jump on the truck and loot the crate.

Secret Mystical Crate Location
There is also an optional secret Mystical Crate that you can loot at the Refinery Pollution Point. You’ll want to head to the location that we’ve shown on the Once Human map below.

When you arrive here, you should see a purple floating orb or crystal on top of a wooden crate. Get on top of the crate and touch this floating orb.

Touching the floating orb will spawn another orb above you on the yellow platform. You’ll need to touch this one as well. In total, there will be 5 floating orbs that will spawn.
After you touch the last one, the hidden Mystical Crate will appear out of nowhere on the ground. Now you can loot it to get the goodies inside!

Gear Crate #2 Location
Last, but not least, we have the final Gear Crate that you can get at Refinery Pollution Point. To get this crate, you’ll need to head to the location shown on the Once Human map below.

When you get here, you’ll see a variety of trains and containers. You’re looking for a particular yellow train which has some cargo on it.
At the back of this train is the last Gear Crate location. You can loot it to complete all the crates you’ll find at Refinery Pollution Point!

That’s everything you need to know about finding all the Mystical, Weapon and Gear Crates at Refinery Pollution Point. Be sure to get the Rift Anchor and kill enemies at this location too. So, you’ll also be able to complete the Explore Refinery Pollution Point quest.
There are still plenty of crates at various locations to be found. Having trouble keeping track of all of them? Look no further than our All Mystical, Weapon and Gear Crates Location Guide. It has every single crate location you’ll need!