Blue Demon Step is one of the newest fighting styles you can get in One Fruit Simulator. The fighting styles you can get in the game are combat systems that rely solely on the body, with no use of weapons. Each fighting style you obtain has different kinds of moves that you can use during your battles. In this guide, we are going to show you the location of the Blue Demon Step fighting style in One Fruit Simulator, along with a showcase of its amazing moves.
Blue Demon Step Location
There are a few steps you need to follow to get the Blue Demon Step in One Fruit Simulator. First, we will give you a list of the steps, and we will go through them more in detail in the remainder of this guide.
- Obtain Master Demon Leg.
- Go to Flower Country Island.
- Take the quest.
- Finish the raid to get the key.
- Use the key for the Blue Flame Raid.
- Get the Blue Demon Step!

Blue Demon Step Obtainment
First, you are going to need to acquire the Master Demon Leg. You can get it by heading over to Cake Island. In order to get the Mastered Demon Leg, you need to finish a quest consisting of five different steps. For more detailed information, you can check out our how to get Mastered Demon Leg guide.

Once you have acquired the Master Demon Leg, you will need to go to the Flower Country Island. This island is located right to Turtle Island, you will need to fly there to reach the island.

Getting the Blue Flame Quest
After you arrive at Flower Country Island, go to the red bridge there and walk inside the small cave. There, you are going to see two quest-giver NPCs.

Interact with the one on the left to get the Blue Flame quest. You can skip this quest by paying 100 Robux if you have it.
For the first step of the Blue Flame quest, you will need to defeat Large Mother 50 times. You can find this NPC at the Cake Island. However, since it is actually the strongest NPC on the island, it will probably take you some time to defeat it 50 times.

Once you manage to defeat Large Mother 50 times, you need to go back to the quest giver NPC to get the second objective. The second step of the quest is defeating Radio (Flower Country) NPC 30 times.
However, this NPC is not very easy to find, you need to obtain a Dragon Key and give it to the Raid NPC at Abazon Lily or you can join someone else’s raid with their key or use a raid token.

Then, you need to head to Oni Island and defeat the Radio (Combat) NPC 30 times. The Radio (Combat) NPC will drop the Danji (Blue Flames) Key.

Now, go back to the quest giver NPC to get to the next step of the quest, which is defeating Danji (Rooftop) NPC 25 times.

After that, you will go back to the NPC to activate the next step. It is defeating Danji (Blue Flames) 50 times. In order to enter the Danji (Blue Flames) raids, you will need to use the Danji (Blue Flames) Key you obtained from the Radio (Combat) NPC earlier.

Once you have 800 Danji (Blue Flames) essences, you will be able to unlock the Blue Demon Step fighting style. Bring the essences to the quest giver NPC to activate the fighting style.

Blue Demon Step Showcase
Now that you learned how to get the Blue Demon Step, it is time to take a look at its moves.
- Z Move (Specter): Requires 25 stamina and 1 mastery to unlock. The move has a 6-second cooldown and deals 42.47B damage.

- X Move (Flanchet): Requires 75 stamina and 75 mastery to unlock. The move has an 8-second cooldown and deals 53.91B damage.

- C Move (Sky Walk): Requires 150 stamina and 75 mastery to unlock. The move has a 15-second cooldown and it gives you the fast fly ability.

- V Move (Flip Axe Kick): Requires 250 stamina and 300 mastery to unlock. The move has a 20-second cooldown and deals 54.54B damage.

- B Move (Jarret): Requires 250 stamina and 300 mastery to unlock. The move has a 25-second cooldown and deals 68.36B damage.

- F Move (Demon Legs): Requires 500 stamina and 600 mastery to unlock. The move has a 35-second cooldown. It also gives you +35% fighting damage and +10% to all other sources of damage.

- Alternative F Move (Boeuf Burst): Requires 500 stamina and 600 mastery to unlock. The move has a 35-second cooldown and deals 93.41B damage.

This is basically One Fruit Simulator Blue Demon Step location and showcase. Completing every step of the Blue Flame quest will definitely take you some time, it is no easy job at all. But considering how powerful this fighting style is, it is worth your time. So go ahead and try to get it as soon as possible!