There is a new update in Pixel Piece that gives the players the opportunity to fight with a giant Sea Beast to get teeth and trade them with an NPC in return for some valuable items. In this guide, we will explain how to go to Beast Island and find the Sea Beast there.
Complete Sea Beast Guide
First, let’s locate the Sea Beast Island. To find it, you will need to go to the Shark Park.

Once you go there, you are going to find the Richman NPC. You can find him easily by going up the stairs from the entrance of the Island. And it is pretty simple to notice because of his sparking yellow outfit.

When you speak with Richman, he will mention that he is looking for Sea Beast teeth for his jewelry and willing to trade valuable items in return.

You can check which item requires how many Sea Beast teeth by choosing the trade option.

Then, to get to the Sea Beast Island, you will need to purchase Beast Pose. You can find that item next to Richman and you can buy it for 1500 Gold.

After purchasing it, make sure that it is on and then go back to the port and you will see that now the Beast Island location is visible. You will not see the text once you leave the port.

But no need to worry, just head to the North East and you will eventually arrive there.

Walk a little bit once you reach the Island and you will find the Sea Beast‘s spawn point. It is exactly where we show in the picture above.

Sea Beast will spawn in the 20th second of the server. After that, it will spawn every 25 minutes. It has three variations and each of them will spawn randomly.
- Red Sea Beast (uncommon)
- Blue Sea Beast (rare)
- Green Sea Beast (most common)

Defeating the beast will definitely not be easy. You can try to beat it on your own but if you want it to be faster, consider doing it with some of your friends.

Once the beast is defeated, you will receive colored teeth based on the beast. You can keep repeating this until you collect enough teeth for the items you want to get from Richman.
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