If you love anime and just started playing Project Slayers recently, then wanting to become a Demon yourself shouldn’t be a surprise. However, going down that path won’t be easy as you’ll be looking over your shoulder for the remainder of the game.
Idioms aside, there are a few things you’ll need to achieve first before you can turn into a full-fledged Beelzebub enthusiast. Not only that but you have to find someone along the map as well. You’ll know all of the things that need to be done in order to become a demon by giving the guide a quick read!
Ultimate Demon Guide
You need to do three things to become a Demon in Project Slayers. First you need to reach level 15, you can hasten the grind going there by talking to the NPC Somi at the Kiribating Village to take in fighting quests. The Second Step is to find Muzan, after that you can finish things off with the Third Step by drinking his blood.
Finding Muzan
While the first step is relatively easy, finding Muzan might get tricky. Even other players are not quite sure of his spawn locations. There are various locations where you can find him. Your best shot at finding him however, will be at Map 1 where you first spawned in. This is where you spawned when you were Level 1. An easy spot to begin with would be west of Kiribating Village.

Once you head out of the gate, turn left and run all the way to the end. You’ll find Muzan there chilling under a tree. Remember that you can only find him during the night and actually talk to him when you’re Level 15.

Questing for Muzan
When you meet the prerequisites, talking to him will give you the option of joining his ranks. If you’re reading this guide then obviously you should choose yes for your answer. He’ll tell you to collect 5 Blue Spider Lily flowers and to bring Doctor Higoshima to him.

To get Doctor Higoshima, you will have to start at the gates of Kirabating Village again. Follow the sand path and turn right when you see two lampposts on top of some stairs.

Run past the lampposts and head straight for the hills. Climb over the ledges, Doctor Higoshima’s house will be in full view of you once you get to the top.

He won’t question your motives once you pick him up, he won’t even react at all. Bring him back to Muzan, you can find him in the same spot under the tree outside of Kirabating Village.

Finding Five Blue Spider Lily
Blue Spider Lily spawns in various areas in Project Slayers. There’s no set location as they can be found all over the map. However, the two best locations you can hang around in will be the Kiribating Village and the Butterfly Mansion.

If you can’t find any more Blue Spider Lilies then it’s time to move to the Butterfly Mansion. Once you spawn in, head south into the wilderness. Remember that they spawn in random areas so zoom all the way out and find spots where you can see flowers that have a pink glow.

Collect all five and equip the Blue Lily from your inventory five times. You’ll get a notification from Muzan telling you that you’ve earned a dose of his blood, finishing your quest.

Now you can drink his blood and turn into a Demon. Pro tip: Don’t do this during the day, you’ll burn. Next is getting your Demon Art Spin from the NPC of the same name from the Zapiwara Cave north of Kiribating Village. Don’t forget to put on the appropriate accessories as well now that you’re a Demon.

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