Getting all sorts of items can be quite a pain in Project Slayers, especially if you’re just starting out and don’t know how any of the mechanics work. This goes well for the Mythic items as they can be quite difficult to find later on in the game.
An effective method of getting Mythic items in the game would be to farm the nearby bosses. But since there’s plenty that you can take down with you, it would take a while before you get the item that you want. Check out this guide to know more about where to farm for Mythical items in Project Slayers!
Ultimate Mythic Drops Guide
A few good locations to do boss rotations would be the Sound Cave, Devourers Jaw, Cave1, and the Akeza Cave. Boss rotations take at least 15 minutes so go around the other locations until you’re able to throw down again with the other bosses. Remember that you won’t always get items upon defeating a boss. If that happens just keep on rotating. You can easily fast travel to all of the locations via the Horse Guy, here’s where you can find the boss in the Sound Cave.
Sound Trainee
After you fast travel to the Sound Cave, follow the ramp going up. There’s only one way to get to the top, that’s where the Sound Trainee boss will be.

He’ll drop a Tier 3 Chest along with a few notable items like the Tonakai Keikai Mask, Jumbo Health, and Stamina Elixir.

Spawn in the Devourer’s Jaw, and make a left turn going inside of the cave right next to you. Follow the path until the room opens up and go between the two large rocks to get to the back.

This will lead into an even bigger hallway, turn left the first chance you get and you’ll arrive in Douma’s Room.

You can fight Douma for a chance to get a Snow Haorie, some Frost Touched Cloth, and a couple of Elixirs. Don’t forget to visit the room behind him to get the Polar Fans, you don’t need to fight him in order to obtain those!

Going back to the Sound Cave, but instead of going up the rank to where the Trainee is, turn left. This will lead you outside where Tengen is. To get to him, stick close to the wall and turn right. You’ll find him in the middle of an open field.

Tengen has a Tier 5 Chest along with even more elixirs and a unit of Frost Touched Cloth. You can also get a Box Lantern from him as well.

The quickest way to get to Rengoku is by fast travelling to Cave 1. Make your way out of the cave and turn left.

Follow the path and go up the stairs. After that, turn left to get to the village. That’s where you’ll find Rengoku.

Rengoku also drops a Tier 5 Chest along with a 10% chance to drop Purgatory for Flame Breathers.

The fastest way to get to Akeza is by simply fast traveling to Akeza Cave. You’ll drop in at the same place where he is and the fight will shortly begin. What you can get from his chest will be the Ominous blind fold along with more stamina elixirs and Frost Touched Cloth.

That’s the rotation you can work with if you ever want to farm Mythic Drops in Project Slayers. Try it out for yourself and see what you can get!
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