Doors is a Roblox horror game that challenges players to survive a hotel full of monsters that are just itching to kill you in gruesome ways. You have the option to play the game as is, but the developers decided to add a little something to help give the players an opportunity to challenge themselves: Modifiers.
With the new Modifiers update, players can set how easy or difficult the game can be. This new update comes with a new achievement called Hotel Hell. In this guide, I will show you how you can get the Hotel Hell achievement and badge in Doors.
How To Get The “Hotel Hell” Badge
In order to get the Hotel Hell badge, you will need to escape the Hotel with a 150% bonus using Modifiers. Meaning, you will need to tweak the game with the Modifiers in order to get 150%.
Now, a lot of people make the mistake of just cranking up random modifiers to max in order to get the 150% modifier, but that will only make it harder for you to complete. Here is a list of the modifiers in the game, and what percentage they should be:
- El Goblino’s Payday – 15%
- This essentially makes it so that no gold will drop during the run. However, this is very inconsequential as the sole goal of this is to get the Hotel Hell badge. You will not be focusing on loot or other things, just doing this as fast as you can so you can get the badge.
- Out of Stuff – 15%
- Similar to El Goblino’s Payday, Out of Stuff essentially removes item drops from the run. Again, this is fine, as you will not be focusing on looting or looking for items. You will only need the first two active so you can reach the 150% minimum for the Hotel Hell badge.
- Gone Fishing – 5%
- This removes the light hints in the game. If you are attempting a Hotel Hell run, then chances are you are a skilled player that’s just collecting the Hotel Hell badge. You won’t need the light hints here.
- Soundproofing – 5%
- Similar to Gone Fishing, Soundproofing removes the sound hints in the game.
- Locked and Loaded – 10%
- Locked and Loaded will lock some of the doors in the game. However, that’s not a bad thing. Only about 20 to 30% of the doors will be locked, which is okay. You don’t really need to be going inside all of the rooms to look for anything but a way out.
- Nowhere to Hide – 15%
- Contrary to the name, Nowhere to Hide actually still has some hiding spots that you can use. In fact, some users report that Nowhere to Hide will sometimes give you more hiding spots to use. However, the devs will likely change this soon, so you better hurry and complete your Hotel Hell run with this modifier.
- Last Few Breaths – 10%
- You pretty much enter the game with only 50% of your max health. While it means you are more likely to die faster, this modifier is essentially a freebie. You will only need to not get hit by the monsters in the hotel. And most of the monsters in the hotel can one shot you anyway, so having max health won’t really matter.
- I’m Runnin’ Here – 5%
- A lot of players mistake this for him appearing faster, which is not true. It just means that Rush is going to be a lot faster than normal, almost like Sonic the Hedgehog. However, this is an ideal modifier to have. Rush being fast doesn’t remove the warning that he will come. So, when the warning comes that Rush is on his way, you can simply jump into a closet and Rush will literally rush past you, allowing you to jump out immediately.
- Rent’s Due – 10%
- Rent’s Due is amazing to have with I’m Runnin’ Here. Since Rush will force you to hide in a closet, Hide will attack you faster. But if Rush zooms past the closet that you’re in, then you can leave just as fast as you came in without even seeing Hide.
- Battle of Wits – 15%
- Battle of Wits is one that requires you to track where you are going. With Battle of Wits on, Dupe will almost always spawn at all times, and he will always be set to maximum difficulty. Meaning that you will need to keep track of the room numbers that you are entering, lest you will enter a duplicate room and get killed. It’s not too hard to deal with, as you only really need to watch out for the room number.
- Think Fast – 5%
- Think Fast is essentially a monstrous game of Red Light, Green Light. Screech will attack more often and give you less time to react. Having this on just pretty much requires you to be attentive at all times, which is what you should be doing if you are playing this game.
- Nosey – 5%
- This modifier is a bit of a freebie, as Eyes will just spawn more when Nosey is active.
- You Can Really Run – 5%
- You Can Really Run will essentially start Seek’s chase and extend it as well. Most would opt for Come Back Here, which makes Figure very fast, but it only really makes escaping to the final door that much harder. With You Can Really Run, you will only have to deal with Seek annoyingly chasing you early in the run.
- Back for Seconds – 10%
- Back for Seconds is only after the first Seek run. Ambush will frequently attack you after your first chase with Seek, which isn’t all that bad.
- Room for More – 20%
- Room for More can be hard to have on, but if you know how to deal with all of the monsters in The Rooms, then you won’t even notice the difference.
With all of these modifiers on, you will have 150% Modifier Bonus active, which is enough to get the Hotel Hell badge when you do the run.

That’s all you need to know on how to get the Hotel Hell Badge in Doors. Did this guide help you get the Hotel Hell badge easily? Let us know in the comments below.
READ NEXT: DOORS: How To Enter Floor 2 | Roblox
it`s really useful!!! thank you very much!!