Roblox Fisch has a new update in the form of the Northern Expedition update. It adds a ton of new content, which includes a brand new location, new fish and even new rods. One such rod that you can unlock is the Ice Warpers Rods.
However, unlocking this rod is not as easy as it seems. To get it, you’ll need to activate 6 levers in the new locations that have been added. Not to worry, we have you covered. In this guide, we’ll show you the location of all 6 levers you need to activate. Let’s get into it!
All 6 Lever Locations in Northern Expedition Update
To get the Ice Warpers Rod, you will need to activate all 6 of the levers. You can do this in any order, except for the 6th lever which will have to be the final one. Additionally, activated levers do not save – which means you’ll have to activate all levers for it to save.
Before you start activating the levers, there are some things you’ll need. Starting off, you’ll need to get a Glider and a Lantern. The Glider can be found in Roslit Bay’s main area and will help you a lot with navigating.
The Lantern is essential as you’ll need it to melt the ice from the levers before they can be activated. You can find it at night behind Moosewood’s Lighthouse.
You will also need a Pickaxe, Cloak and Oxygen Tanks. There are various safe areas throughout the Northern Expedition area that you can use to refill on these items. The Pickaxe will also help you cut ice in places where some levers are.
Lever Location #1
For the first lever, we will be starting off at the bottom of the mountain where you arrive for the new location. When you arrive here, starting from the merchant go towards the left. You’ll see some ladders and ropes here, and you should follow this.

Keep on going up the mountain and follow the ropes on the sides. They will be your marker letting you know that you are on the right track.

Eventually, you’ll come across a safe area on the left with some orange tents. This is a good location to refill on your oxygen tanks. Go straight ahead and jump on the platform near the tents.

After you do so, you should see an iced off area. Behind this ice barrier, you’ll be able to make out the first lever. The first thing you need to do is use the Pickaxe to break down the ice. Make sure to break all of it or you can’t pass.
Once that’s been taken care of, use the Lantern to melt the ice off the lever. After that, interact with it for your first lever.

Lever Location #2
For the next lever, go back on the path that you turned away from when going to the orange tents. From here, you’ll be getting on the ladders and continuing on ahead on the expedition.

Keep following the ladders and ropes, until you reach a narrow tunnel after a bridge. Here, the path will go towards the right indicated by the ropes. However, your goal will be to look towards the left where the turn starts.

Look towards the left here, and you’ll see a rock. Jump onto this rock and shimmy along it.

Next, look down and you’ll be able to make out the second lever. Jump down, melt off the ice and activate it!

Lever Location #3
Next up, from the same location as the second lever, look up. You’ll see a long rock wall that you can climb up. Start climbing so that you can gain some height.

Once you have enough height, look towards the left and you should see another peak there. Your goal is to use the Glider to glide all the way to the top of it.
On the top, you should be able to make out the third lever location!

Lever Location #4
From the third lever location, you should be able to make out another distant peak in the distance. This peak will have a giant tree on it covered in snow. You can try to glide there directly, but the best way to do so is by returning to the main mountain first.

From here, walk along the sides until you can see the peak clearly in your sights.

After that, jump and glide to the peak. You should be able to make out the fourth lever here on the top.

Lever Location #5
Next, you want to go to the main mountain and start making your way up. Eventually, you should arrive at another safe spot that has orange tents on the side.
The first tent will be on the left. Turn left towards it.

Next to the tent, there will be a rocky platform. Climb onto it, until you are below the long rock face on the side.

Look up and start climbing this rock all the way up.

Keep looking to the left and you should make out another cliff with a tree. Jump onto this platform.

Look towards the corner and you’ll see the fifth lever here. Melt the ice, activate it and you’ll have just one more lever left!

Lever Location #6
The final lever will need to be the last lever you activate if you want to get the Ice Warpers Rod. The best way to get here is by jumping from the top of the mountain, or as high as you can get on the right side.
From here, jump down using the glider and slowly glide along the right side. You’re looking for some square looking rocks like the one shown below.

Land here and start walking along the side of the mountain. Do so until you arrive at a place that has long icicles poking out from the side. From here, keep looking towards the left.

You should be able to make out a small tunnel on the side of the mountain. It is very small and easy to miss, so try to look for it slowly. Once you find it, enter inside.

At the end of the tunnel, you should be able to find the final lever, with a star in the middle. Make sure that 5 of the 6 dots are lit in the middle. If they aren’t, it means that you missed a lever or the activation got reset.
Once you’re sure, activate this final lever and you’ll be able to get the Ice Warpers Rod!

That’s everything you need to know about getting all 6 levers in the Northern Expedition Update. Pay special attention to your oxygen and cloaks, so that you do not end up freezing to death when looking for it. Remember the activated levers can reset and you’ll end up losing progress.
Once you have the rod, you might want to start catching all the new fish. Why not check out our 100% bestiary guide for the cryogenic canal so you can start collecting them all!