If you watched Home Alone as a kid and thought that you could definitely get away with an intruder breaking into your house, you might give the Roblox Home Alone game a chance. In this thrilling experience, you are a kid who is staying at home alone, and there is a serial killer outside! There are three endings you can achieve in the game, and one of them is a secret ending.
If you are ready to deal with a killer on the loose, let’s get to our guide and see which endings you can get by following which steps.
Complete Guide
Upon beginning the game, you are going to learn why you are home alone. It looks like your parents are working the night shift, and you need to spend your nights all by yourself. While it is a good thing that you are not left at home for a long time, we cannot say that you are a very lucky child.

Explore the House
You will have a little time to explore your room at the beginning of the game. Take your time to see what you can do in your room. However, there are not many things to do; you can only see that there is a hiding spot there. Keep that in mind, as you are going to need to use it in the future.
This objective will change as you leave your room. As soon as you step out of the room, you will hear a TV noise.

Watch the TV
Your next objective will be watching TV. There will be a little side notification on the left side of your screen that says the location of it.
Go to the living room to find the television. You are going to see a 60-minute countdown. You can use this time to keep exploring the house, but do not worry; the action will not begin yet.

When the countdown is over, you are going to see the news on television. Apparently, there is a killer on the loose, and it was last seen in a local neighborhood. You already know where this is going, right?

Clean the Dirty Spots
What is the best thing you can do when you just hear that a killer could be outside your house? It is cleaning the house! Your new objective is to get a broom from the shed and clean three dirty spots in the house.
Leave the house and find the shed. You are going to see a white spot in your view, so it is not going to be too hard to find it. The outside will be dark and scary, but once again, do not worry about it. Nothing will happen at this point in the game. Do not forget to get the flashlight from the shed as well.

After taking the broom from the shed, go back to your house and start cleaning the dirty spots. Once again, you will see the exact places you need to go to.

Take out the Garbage
Next, you are thinking about going to bed. But being a good child comes first! Now it is time to take out the garbage. Collect all four of them by following the white spots, and throw them in the dumpster.
The dumpster is going to be across the street from your house, and you will see its location again.

Go Back Inside
Once you complete your garbage duty, the scary hours will begin! Go back to your house and head upstairs. After a couple of seconds, you will hear that the phone is ringing.
Go downstairs to answer the phone. It is going to be on the table. Once you answer it, you will hear someone saying that you should be more careful when you go outside. And, to be honest, we could not agree more. Seriously kids, do not go outside in the middle of the night.

Board Up the Windows and Doors
After the conversation, our character will think that it was just a prank call. Once again, he is not a bright child, everyone. However, your next objective will be boarding up the windows. In order to do that, you will need to collect four planks and board the doors and windows.
You can get all the planks from upstairs; they are located in front of your room.

All you need to do is get a plank and go to the door or window you would like to board up. Then, hold the E key, and it will be done. Do it with all doors and windows, and the objective will be completed.

Investigate the House
After you are done boarding up the house, you can go back to your room and head to bed. The night will end, and the second night will begin. You are going to wake up and see that the boards are held up, and you live to see another day!
Upon waking up, check out the doors and windows to complete this objective.

Wash the Dishes
Now that everything is back to normal and you are convinced that you were pranked last night, it is time to go back to your duties as a good child. Go to the sink and start washing the dirty dishes.
You will need to wash four dishes in total; simply hold the E key to wash each one of them.

Call the Pizza Place
After everything you have done, you deserve to enjoy a good pizza! Go to the phone and call the pizza place. The objective will be completed once the conversation ends.

Wait for Pizza to Arrive
Now, as you wait for your pizza, the lights in the house will go out! Luckily, your flashlight will come to the rescue. In order to solve this problem, you should go and reset the power.
Go to the main door and take out the planks. The electrical box will be standing in the middle of the forest. Follow the white point to find it. You will see someone standing in your way as you go, but it looks like our character does not care about it at all. All this kid wants is a pizza!

Go Inside and Wait for the Pizza
Once you turn the power back on, you can head back to your house. As you get closer, you will hear the phone ringing again.
You just saw a person standing in the middle of the forest, and someone is calling you again. But, of course, your initial thought is that someone is pranking you again. Go inside and answer the phone, the person on the other end will say that they are calling from the pizza place. Then, he will ask you to come outside.

Meet the Pizza Delivery Guy
Remove the planks on the door next to the phone to go outside. Walk towards the end of the block, and when you get closer to the car outside, you will finally see the serial killer waiting for you.
Your objective will immediately change to RUN INSIDE.

Board the Doors Again
Once you are inside, head upstairs and take the wood planks again. You are going to need to board up your doors once more.

Final Night
After you board the doors again, you will go to sleep, and the final night will begin. Your first objective will be to inspect the house, go downstairs to do that, and check the doors.
Then, you will see that the news is starting again. Sit in front of the television to watch it. But you are not going to see good news…

Find a Hiding Spot
Now, this objective is very important. Because it will determine which ending you are going to get. You need to find a hiding spot, and you need to do it in 30 seconds.

All Endings – Home Alone
Bad Ending
The place you are going to hide will determine your ending. If you want to see what a bad ending looks like, hide in the closet in the living room. Or just do not hide at all.

Obviously, the first closet in the living room will be the first place the serial killer will look. You will die in this ending.

Good Ending
When the timer starts, you need to find a location to hide. Go upstairs and hide in the closet in your room. The killer will not have enough time to find you, and the police will catch him.

Secret Terror Ending
In order to achieve this secret ending, you are going to need a key. You can find this key lying close to the electrical box when you need to go there to reset the power.

After taking the mysterious key, go back inside and play the game normally. When the warning comes up on television and you need to find a hiding spot, do not hide in one of the closets.
Instead, go back to the sofa, and you will see that you have the option to remove the rug from the ground.

You are going to see a hatch under the rug. Enter inside, and you will find yourself in a secret room with skulls around.
When the timer goes off, you will get a notification saying that you survived because the killer did not take a look at the hatch.

This is the complete walkthrough of the Roblox Home Alone experience, with all endings explained. If you think this game was entertaining, we have other guides on similar games that require you to complete objectives to get different endings. Such as, Need More Money, Need More Milk, A Superhero Breakfast, and Need More Cold!