Rune Slayer: Best Assassin Build Guide & How To Get Items

Here's how you get one of the two best armor sets for the Thieves class!

Argie Maputi
7 Min Read

If you’ve ever wanted to live out your fantasy of being an edgy, ninja-style assassin in Rune Slayer, then this build is for you. The Assassin build lets you move swiftly, land critical hits often, and look undeniably cool while doing it. But, like all powerful builds in the game, you’ll need the right gear to make it work.

And here’s the catch, the build requires the Assassin set, a newly introduced gear set that isn’t exactly easy to obtain. But don’t worry, that’s where my guide comes in. I’ll walk you through exactly how to get the Assassin set, one step at a time!

Best Assassin Build Guide & How To Get Items

Before we get into the contract kills, let’s clear something up—the Assassin isn’t an actual class in Rune Slayer. Instead, it’s more of an archetype that you can achieve by equipping pieces of the Assassin set.

To get your hands on this gear, you’ll need to complete a series of contracts from an NPC named Saegar. You’ll find him tucked away in the Thieves Guild hideout in Ashenshire. If you don’t know how to get there, I’ve put a clip below.

NOTE: So, Saegar isn’t stuck inside the wall in hell anymore. He’s been relocated to the Thieves Guild, which you can now find at the Hole in the Mountain behind Basilisk. Before you can interact with him, though, you’ll need to complete the first quest inside the Goblin Camp. Once that’s done, you can head over to the Thieves Guild, find Saegar, and continue with the questline!

As soon as you get there, simply look for him in the left corner right down the flight of stairs. Talk to Saegar and he should give you a contract to kill certain targets. Accept the contract to get started!

First Target : NPC by the Campfire

After talking to Seagar, head back to Wayshire and move south of the main village. Follow the path down until you spot a guy sitting by a campfire. That’s your target.

Once you talk to him, he’ll stand up and attack you, but don’t worry—he’s really easy to defeat. Take him down, then return to Seagar in the Goblin Cave to move on to the next phase.

Second Target – Assassin Boots: Take Down Krogar

Krogar in the Greatwood Forest

Your first target will be an NPC named Krogar who you can find in the swamp region of the Greatwood Forest.

Krogar in the Greatwood Forest

As soon as you arrive in the Greatwood Forest, which is just a short distance from the Basilisk, you want to look for this tower-looking structure pictured above. Right behind that structure is where you can find Krogar.

Krogar in the Greatwood Forest

Simply approach the NPC to start a conversation and then trigger a fight. After taking down your first target, head back to Saegar at the Thieves Guild hideout to accept the contract for the next target.

You’ll obtain the Assassin’s Boots for completing this contract.

Third Target – Assassin Hood: Take Down Silas

Silas in Ashenshire

Your next target is an NPC named Silas who you can find near Ashenshire. It’s also within the swamp region, inside what looks like a mining cave as shown below:

Silas in Ashenshire

To get there, head southwest from the guild area until you find a village on top of a structure. Keep heading southwest not far from the village, and you should be able to find the hole pictured above.

Simply go down the hole via a rope you can find in the edge to find Silas. Start a conversation to trigger the fight.

Silas in Ashenshire

Once you’ve taken down Silas, go back to Saegar to complete the quest. He will then give you the Assassin’s Hood item.

Final Target – Assassin Cloak: Take Down Vaelion

Vaelion in Ashenshire

Your last contract will be to take down an NPC named Vaelion who is a guard in Ashenshire. Simply make your way to the village, and you should be able to find this large vine:

Vaelion in Ashenshire

Vaelion will be standing right in front of the vine. As with the other NPCs, talk to him to trigger the fight. Once you’re done, talk to Saegar to receive the Assassin’s Cloak as your reward.

This should then complete the set once you’ve gathered all three pieces.

A Look at the Assassin Set

This set consists of three pieces: Assassin Boots, Hood, and Cloak. Now, in terms of ranking, I’d say this is currently the second-best Thief armor set in the game, just behind the Elder Set. But don’t underestimate it—this set still packs a punch.

The Cloak is especially great, offering bonus crit chance, solid armor, and extra agility. However, it’s a little weird that this set is level 25, considering some weaker accessories have even higher level requirements. That just tells me this gear wasn’t really meant to be common knowledge—until now.

Here’s a breakdown of the stats:

  • Assassin’s Cloak
    • 425 Armor
    • +4 Spirit
    • +16 Agility
    • +2% Crit Chance
  • Assassin’s Boots
    • 220 Armor
    • +2 Spirit
    • +8 Agility
  • Assassin’s Hood
    • 220 Armor
    • +2 Spirit
    • +8 Agility
Assassin Set build


Sure, getting the Assassin set in Rune Slayer takes a bit of effort, but with those slick stats and the undeniable style it gives you, it’s absolutely worth it. If you’re aiming for an agile, crit-heavy build, this set is a game-changer! So, get out there, take down those targets, and enjoy your new Assassin gear!

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