A pirate’s outfit is serious business and what better way to accessorize than to strap a Spyglass that certainly looks unique out of all the others. While it will function the same as any other Spyglass, the Ancient Spyglass has a different appearance and would certainly catch the eye of any fashion-loving player you come across.
In this guide, we’ll let you know how you can unlock this one-of-a-kind item.
How To Get Secret Ancient Spyglass – Sea Of Thieves

Long story short, you unlock the Ancient Spyglass automatically when you get The Stolen Sky commendation. To get this commendation, you would need to complete all the commendations under Stars of a Thief. It’s the fourth Tall Tale in the Shores of Gold arc. Below is the list of commendations and how you can unlock them.
Heavenly View – Discover Sudd’s Enchanted Spyglass
Eyes Filled with Stars – Awaken the Ancient Statue
Stone of the Heavens – Claim the Shroudbreaker Stone
Notes of a Stargazer – Discover all of Sudds’ Notes
Friend in the Sky – Legendary Commendation: Complete the Tale 5 times
Once you complete all of these, you’ll gain the Stars of a Thief commendation which will give you a Constellation Tattoo Set and the Stolen Sky commendation that will in turn unlock the Ancient Spyglass for you.
Only thing left to do is to go to your equipment chest and choose the Ancient Spyglass!
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