Dragonflight is World of Warcraft’s 9th expansion that got released in 2022 on the 28th of November. It is an expansion that will introduce the Dragon Isles that were sealed and held by the power of the Titans. Now that power is on the surface yet again and magic is awoken from beneath the ground.
It offers new content that you can play through, as well as new race and classes to try out, but in this guide, we shall go more in-depth about it and conclude to you should you play it in 2023 or not. Let’s get started.
WoW Dragonflight – Should You Play It In 2023?
Story & Visuals

The story of Dragonflight is actually very fun and interesting and will keep you going for a while. Still, at the end of the day it all falls down to the MMO needs to make your character much stronger for both PVP and PVE but now while doing so, you’ll be enjoying quite a bit and you’ll be seeing a lot of very popular WoW Characters.
The visuals are stunning just as always in WoW. You will be getting new areas to explore with both relaxing and scary environments that got taken by war and so on. There are even some quests that fully need you to just sit down and watch the areas around you which are fantastic.

The combat of WoW is as traditional as they come. It is a tap targeting system that makes you tap on a target and focus on it to be able to damage it. There are some exceptions to it, especially the new class that got added to this expansion.
It is fun and simple and you’ll sometimes just have to stand in one place and just mash buttons to be taking down your enemies. In bigger PvE dungeons and PvP events you’ll have to use movement to your advantage as well.
All of the classes are very different and unique and you’ll have quite a lot of choices between shapeshifting druids, periodic damage healers, balanced paladins, necromancers, in your face warriors, hunters with pets and so on.
New Race & Class

There is a new Race called Dracthyr which s comes along with the new Evoker class. This is an all-around very interesting race and class to play that offer unique gameplay elements to the table. You are able to choose between DMG and Healer route.
Talents & Proffesions

The Talent tree has had a huge rework and optimization. Now you will have 2 trees to go down with a utility tree and a role–specific type of talent tree. You can also now save, as well as load some builds that other players have previously created and that work.
There are also massive talents like trees for specialization. This will make it so that you are able to choose your own path in those jobs and professions you might take. You won’t be stuck inside the same loop as everyone else in your craft. Instead, you can choose to specialize in one thing and make fully grasp it as your way of income.
Professions have finally had a proper overhaul making them extremely useful once again. They bring in a new feature that is now called Crafting Orders. You are able to now request other players to craft certain items that you might need. This in terms leads to a much more live economy and crafting system.
Dragonriding & New Flying

There is a new system called Dragonriding that will allow you to befriend 4 new types of Dragons and one from each zone. You are able to level them now by flying through glyphs that are scattered around the world’s map. You are able to fully customize your dragons and they feel much different than riding a regular type of mount.
Although that is the case, there are some issues that Dragonflight still has like instantly disconnected by running into any wall with your Dragon. There are dungeons and ways of how you aren’t able to even get a Dragon or even ride it at all. It has happened to some players to be stuck inside a wall and not even able to get out of it at all.
New Content

There are 4 new zones that you are able to explore that have a total of 8 new dungeons inside of them too. They have so many quests inside of them that will keep you busy for a long period of time. What’s very fun about them is that they feel fresh and new with some of them combining new flying motions.
There are so many new quests that the devs had to increase the log capacity by 10! This is a welcome addition indeed and any extra content is certainly welcomed.

WoW Dragonflight costs a total of $49.99 at the base price and this does not include the overall monthly subscription that you will need to pay as an extra. That will be another $14 per month just to be able to fully experience all the content that this expansion is offering. So yes, it isn’t all that cheap to start off with WoW Dragonflight in 2023.
There are a lot of new things added to the game like the new HUD Edit Mode. This will allow you to enable and disable everything from your HUD and fully customize your screen look in the exact way and form that you want.
The game in its current state is very fun and very addictive. Players are raising their voices that they haven’t had this much fun with WoW in a long time. There is always something to be doing not just in the new content, but in the old as well, especially if you are a newcomer. If you aren’t flying, dungeoneering, crafting, raiding, questing, or farming for new collectibles and mounts, just sitting and enjoying the view will be enough from this huge and beautifully designed world.
That is why we can definitely say that no matter if you are a returning or a new player, WoW Dragonflight is worth checking out in 2023 but let’s hope that the devs will constantly update the game and not forget about it (something that they are known for in the past).