Sniper Elite Resistance: All 35 Personal Letters

Knowing is half the battle, so collecting all these letters should help with your mission!

Andrés González
17 Min Read

Personal Letters are one of the collectibles you can find across all missions of the main campaign in Sniper Elite: Resistance, and there are 35 of them for you to find.

These letters can be pretty tricky to spot, as they are pretty innocuous. Some of them are also just hidden in places you normally don’t need to visit.

Nonetheless, finding all 35 of them in Sniper Elite: Resistance will be an easy task if you use our guide!

All 35 Personal Letters | Sniper Elite: Resistance

Mission 2: Dead Drop

A Lost Soul Trembles

Let’s kick things off and start collecting all these Personal Letters in Sniper Elite: Resistance, shall we? For our first Personal Letter, we’ll go to the church in the southwestern part of the mission area. Go into the church and look for the Basilica Vestry Safe Key on a table on the ground floor.

Once you have the key, go up to the second floor of the church and look for a safe. Use the key you just grabbed to open the safe and you’ll find the Personal Letter inside. Alternatively, you can blow up the safe with a Satchel Charge… but there’s no real reason to do so with how easy the key is to get.

Do note that we’ll be using the full map’s topmost point as our north and not the minimap’s compass in this entire guide. They aren’t matched in this game, but we find the full map much more reliable than the minimap.

A Withering Tree

For this one, go to the streets in the center of the map. It’s a very nondescript location, so follow the map marker above. You’ll find the letter atop a white table outside one of the restaurants there.

Missing You Dearly

You can find this letter in the same building where you search for Vertigo’s office as part of the mission. Go to the building’s garden and look for a bench with the letter near the southwestern edge of the building.

Surrounded By Idiots

To get this letter, go into the Grand Library building in the northernmost part of the mission area. Go to the southernmost entrance on the top floor and you’ll find the letter on top of a desk there, close to the stairs.

A Newphew’s Concern

The last Personal Letter in this mission. Go north from the Grand Library building to reach the edge of the mission area. Look for a bench near a planter in front of the buildings there to find the letter. For reference, you’ll be directly northwest of the Grand Library.

Mission 3: Sonderzüge Sabotage

Cross of Lorraine

This is one of the easiest Personal Letters to find. You’ll need to investigate a Resistance Safehouse as part of an Optional Objective in this mission. The safe house is marked from the start of the mission, it’s on the southern side of the river. Simply enter the safe house and get to the top floor to find the document on a table. This also doubles as the document you need for the Optional Objective!

Be Safe, My Dear

You can find this Personal Letter inside the second Resistance Safehouse, which is another one of the Optional Objectives. You’ll find a safe on the ground floor of the safehouse, open it to get the letter. Just like with every other safe, you can either find its key or blow it up with a Satchel Charge.

If you wish to open it with the key, just follow the Optional Objective and explore the safe house. You’ll eventually meet the missing Resistance cell inside the safehouse. The Delicatessen Safe Key is on the table in the Resistance cell meeting room.

We Are Everywhere

This Personal Letter is in the main objective building in the middle of the map. Get up to the third floor and look for a room with an open balcony. Jump out the balcony and shimmy across to the adjacent room to find the letter on a desk.

The Scars of War

Ideally, you want to pick this one up right after the previous one. Go northeast from the main objective building in the middle of the map and enter its courtyard. Then, go all the way to the northernmost tip of the courtyard to find a spot with a bunch of benches. The Personal Letter sits in wait on one of these benches.

Missing Her Birthday

For this one, go to the train station on the easternmost part of the map. It’s the one you need to investigate to find cargo transportation documents as part of the main objective. Go to the waiting room with benches on the second floor. The Personal Letter is on one of the benches in the room.

Mission 4: Collision Course

A Gift, And A Name

You can get this one in the center of the map, right after climbing the vines at the start of the mission. It’s pinned to the side of the first tree you see after climbing.

What A Discovery!

Go to the middle of the residential area in the southwestern part of the map. Get to the spot we marked above and you’ll notice a shack with a blue door. Pick the door’s lock to enter the shack and then check the box on the far corner to your right. The Personal Letter sits on the box.

So Boring!

For this one, go to the easternmost tower on the large dam. You will find the letter on top of a crate, next to a weapon emplacement.

I Will Miss You

This time, go to the road on the northeastern edge of the mission area map. You will find a checkpoint there. Get into the checkpoint’s booth and check the desk to pick up this letter.

I’m So Sorry

For the last Personal Letter in this mission, go to the settlement near the train tunnel on the easternmost part of the map. Look for a destroyed barn with a ladder and some crates there. The letter is on top of the crates.

This is the 4th mission out of the game’s 8-mission campaign. What that means is that we’re about halfway through collecting all of the 35 Personal Letters in the main campaign for Sniper Elite: Resistance!

Mission 5: Devil’s Cauldron

A Childish Party!

Kicking things off, go to the checkpoint by the road in the southernmost part of the map. For reference, this is pretty close to the mission’s starting point. The letter is inside the small red booth by the checkpoint, on a desk.

Location Exposed

Go to the church on the southwestern part of the map and keep going west to reach a graveyard. You’ll find the Personal Letter in the graveyard, atop a large wooden crate.

It Is All In Ruins

This letter is inside the small building on the northwestern part of the map. Go inside the building and reach the bedroom in the westernmost part of the top floor. You’ll find the letter on the nightstand there.

I Miss You So Much

Go to the path by the cliff on the westernmost part of the mission area. You’ll find an encampment of hostiles there, overlooking the sea. The letter is on top of the bench in the center of the encampment.

Be A Man, Not A Boy

For this one, go to the barracks in the southern part of the map. This spot is close to the road and a large radio tower, for reference. Just go inside the barracks and inspect the desk with the communications radio for the letter.

Mission 6: Assault on Fort Rouge

Just Do Your Job

Go southeast from the Kill List objective to find a broken-down building. Enter it from the back and take the stairs to reach the top floor. Then, just grab the Personal Letter from atop the crates on the top floor.

Fools Everywhere

Next up, go to the street on the westernmost part of the mission area. Hug the side of the buildings along the western edge of the mission area until you find a wooden table. Walk up to it and grab this Personal Letter.

Something Is Strange

Now, you have to go to the eastern part of the map where you need to search for anti-air guns. Go to the ruined building on the northwestern corner of the search area to find this Personal Letter.

I Am Fed Up

This time, you’ll need to go to the church in the western part of the mission area, close to the center of the map. Make your way to the northernmost tip of the church, going past the altar. You’ll find this Personal Letter atop a marble counter there. For reference, this is also close to a safe you need to bust open for an optional objective.

Beautiful Views

Next up, go to the fortress in the northernmost part of the mission area. Instead of going into the underground bunker as the mission requires, go into the broken-down section on the northeastern corner of the fortress. You’ll find some ladders there you can climb up to the top part of the fortress itself. The Personal Letter is on the top floor, atop one of the many crates there.

Mission 7: Lock, Stock and Barrels

What Do They Want?

Let’s kick things off by going to the large house on the southern edge of the mission area. Enter the house and check the large table in the middle to find this Personal Letter.

Do Not Worry, Mother

Next up, go to the westernmost edge of the map. There are two L-shaped buildings there, enter the northernmost one. Go to the main room upstairs to find the Personal Letter on a cabinet.

Everything Is Fine!

Go to the center of the map, south of the main hostile building on this mission. There’s an open barn there, in the middle of the vineyards. Enter the barn and then look for the Personal Letter atop a spool.

Lying Is Necessary

This time, you have to go to the V1 launch site on the northwestern corner of the map. Look for a small building outside of the launch site’s entrance and enter it. You’ll find the Personal Letter on top of the chair by one of the building’s windows.

I Feel Uneasy

The last Personal Letter in this mission is in the small building directly east of the central hostile building. Just enter the building and take the stairs up to the attic. Then, look on top of the chest by the bed to find the letter.

Mission 8: End of the Line

What We’ve Achieved

We’re nearing the end of the main campaign in Sniper Elite: Resistance now, so there are only 5 Personal Letter locations left to find to get all 35. It took a while but we’re almost done! For our first one here, go to the building by the train tracks on the northwestern part of the map. Enter it and get to the Foreman’s Office in the back to find the letter atop a table.

You’ll need to either use a Satchel Charge or the Foreman’s Office Key to enter the room, however. The guard inside the building should have the key on him. Take him out and loot him if you don’t wish to use a Satchel Charge.

Burn After Reading

Go to the middle of the train tracks to find a small building. For reference, it should be directly south of the Kill List objective for this mission. Enter the building and check the desk by the entrance to find the Personal Letter. It seems whoever received it didn’t follow the instructions given, though… which is good for us!

Victory Is Imminent!

Next up, go to the small house on the southeastern edge of the mission area. Enter the house and take the stairs to the top floor to find the Personal Letter atop a dresser.

I Think This Is It

This time, go to the main objective building in the very center of the mission area. It’s the one where you need to find out how to trap the Zugwerfer. Enter it and find the stairs on the southeastern edge of the building. Take the stairs up to an office and you’ll find the Personal Letter on a desk.

Home Soon, My Love

At long last, the final Personal Letter on our list. For this one, go to the bunker in the southeastern part of the mission area. You’ll find the Personal Letter on top of a desk on the top floor of the bunker.

That’s the end of our guide! That’s the locations for all 35 Personal Letters in Sniper Elite: Resistance. You’ll earn the “Pen Pal” achievement by grabbing every single one of these. Plus, you’ll get a good look at what the people are feeling and thinking during this gruesome war…

For even more collectibles, check out our guide on the location of all 22 Hidden Items. Similar to Personal Letters, these items are spread over most of the campaign. Collecting them all also awards an achievement, as well as bits of lore and story.

Venezuelan gamer cursed by being interested by most games, resulting in a ridiculous backlog he’ll never be able to conquer. Been gaming for over two decades now! Few things exemplify his wide variety in gaming tastes as the fact that he’s a big fan of both Souls games and the Atelier series at the same time. Also a big fan of Yakuza/Like a Dragon, Deadly Premonition, Zero Escape, and Dead Rising, among others. Considers Lost Judgment and Sekiro to both be masterpieces.
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