You will get a lot of puzzles in Solasta Crown. Some are simple and pretty straightforward. But then on the other hand, you will get some very frustrating ones that desire a lot of brain power.
This one here is not so hard nor long. Follow my guide and you will solve it in no time. Let’s do this!
Temple Of The Lost God Puzzle Solution Guide – Solasta Crown of the Magister
So, after you finished speaking with Arwin Merton, then travelled to Caer Elis, then you went inside and through the mist, and finally found your way up to the temple, you will be met with a puzzle.
You will find the temple but it is locked. Outside the temple you will spot a couple of circles on the ground, this is how you solve the puzzle and get the door to unlock so you can enter.

These are the circles, you can’t miss them.
On top of the circles you can spot weird written shapes on the walls. It should be 6 of them.

Now using these shapes, you will solve the puzzle. Recreate these shapes with your characters, just the way they are positioned. Stand in the circes, like in the edges of the shapes.
The trick is to move only one character at the time you create your next shape.
Start in the lower right corner, standing 4 characters in a square. Then move one guy from the lower left of your square all the way up to create a rhombus. You don’t move others, only the one guy per shape. When you create the shape correctly, it will light up on the wall. Create all the shapes in order, as shown on the image below (for the last shape, you need to add the fifth character).

Now the temple is open, and let’s go kill that last guardian! Good luck.
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