
Sons of the Forest 1.0 – How To Find All Artifact Piece & Activation

All the artifacts and how to activate them in one guide!

Sons of the Forest 1.0 - How To Find All Artifact Piece & Activation

The Update 1.0 of Sons of the Forest has finally arrived. With it has come some new content, like new endings! However, if you’d like to get access to the multiple potential benefits, you’d have to collect all the “???” artifacts from all the previous patches and those added this update. After that, you’d then have to activate it! In this guide, I’ll show you how to find all artifact piece, as well as how you can use it!

How To Find All Artifact Piece & Activation

There’s a total of 6 Artifact Pieces that you can find in Sons of the Forest Update 1.0! I’ve provided a Table of Contents below, so you can easily find which one you need. I also added a quick guide on how to use or activate the artifact after you’re done – So, you can get access to its many benefits!

Cave A Artifact Piece

If you’re not familiar with Artifact Pieces, they are strange metallic looking objects scattered all around Sons of the Forest. Often, they’ll have the ‘???’ description when you come across them. You can also find an artifact piece in Cave B.

Starting off, you’ll need to make your way to the entrance of Cave A. This is the cave where you can also find the Rebreather for the first time when playing the story in Sons of the Forest. 

If you don’t know where it is, here’s the location of Cave A on the GPS map.

Cave A location in Sons of the Forest.

Once you’re here, make your way through the small gap that serves as the entrance. The Artifact Piece is essentially located in a secret area towards the end of this cave. So, we’ll be going through quite a few twists and turns to get to it!

Entering Cave A in Sons of the Forest.

After you’re inside, make your way ahead. For the most part, this part ahead will be pretty straightforward. You’ll bump into quite a few enemies and it is up to you if you want to ignore them or kill them. Eventually, you’ll come across a fork in the road.

You should turn towards the right, where there is a small gap.

Going through Cave A gap in Sons of the Forest.

Go ahead and you’ll eventually come across yet another fork. The path divides into two distinct spots. A rotting corpse in the middle of the junction will act as a marker. For this part, select the left path.

Cave A can have a lot of these maze-like areas, especially for getting to the artifact piece.

Going left path of Cave A in Sons of the Forest.

Keep going forward and you’ll come across an obstacle in the form of a blocked pathway. Use any melee weapon to break down the wooden boards. Nothing is going to stop you from getting to that artifact!

Breaking wooden barrier in Sons of the Forest.

Walk a few steps forward and it may look like you’ve reached a dead end. However, there is a small gap in the ground through which you can rapple down. Descend down to the darkness and continue moving forward.

Descending the rope in Sons of the Forest.

Eventually, you’ll come across yet another fork in the path. For this part, you should go towards the left. It’s a small gap that you can crouch in with a bunch of hanging wooden crosses.

There are plenty of other artifact pieces you’ll need – so why not also check out the location for artifact piece in Cave D.

Going towards crouch hole in Sons of the Forest.

Crouch down and make your way ahead through this tight space.

Crouching down into Cave A in Sons of the Forest.

After you leave the gap and stand up, you’ll come across some hanging skeletons. Turn to the left from here and keep going forward. If you’re interested, you can even spot a blueprint on the ground as you go ahead.

Turning left from hanging skeletons in Sons of the Forest.

There will be another wooden board obstacle blocking you after going ahead. Have your melee weapon handy and break it down. Don’t worry, you’re almost there to the Cave A Artifact piece!

Breaking open wooden boards in Sons of the Forest.

Now, keep going ahead through the corridor but keep a sharp eye on the left. After a bit of walking, you’ll see that there is a gap on the left side. Climb into this gap and continue moving forward.

Going left of corridor in Sons of the Forest.

Cave A’s design will change here quite a bit with strange looking structures. This is your cue that you are heading in the right direction and are extremely close to the Artifact piece. Just keep following the path and you’ll eventually see a strange looking artifact piece buzzing with strange green electricity.

Approach the artifact piece and pick it up. There you go, you have one of the six potential artifact pieces!

Cave A Artifact Piece found in Sons of the Forest.

That’s everything you need to know about getting the Cave A artifact piece in Sons of the Forest. The journey isn’t quite done yet and there are still 5 more artifact pieces to get. Additionally, you will also need to activate each of them before your efforts can actually bear fruit!

Cave B Artifact Piece

You can find all sorts of strange looking objects scattered around the world of the Sons of the Forest. We recommend getting all of them. Combining them leads to an extremely cool and powerful device that you can use.

You can also find an artifact piece in Cave A in Sons of the Forest.

With that said, you’ll want to make your way to the entrance of Cave B. This is the cave where you can also locate the Ropegun as you play through the story. The location for Cave B is shown below on the GPS map.

Cave B location in Sons of the Forest.

Enter through the cave by breaking down the wooden boards that are covering the entrance. You can use any melee weapon for this part.

Cave B entrance in Sons of the Forest.

Follow the path ahead, which will have you steadily go down. Eventually, you’ll go down an incline that will open up into a large chamber in Cave B. After you go down, immediately turn towards the right. Seemingly, there will be not anything here except a really long drop below.

Turning right from incline in Sons of the Forest.

However, if you look closely over the ledge here, you’ll notice there’s a rope in the corner going down. Interact with the rope and descend down into the depths of Cave B!

Going down Cave B in Sons of the Forest.

Once you’re standing on the ground, you’ll find yourself looking over yet another ledge. Below there will be nothing but water. For this part, you want to dive straight into the water first. 

After that, swim towards the right and go underwater.

Diving into the water in Sons of the Forest.

In essence, you’ll be going underwater and bypassing the rocky wall by going underneath it. You’re almost near the artifact piece – we also recommend getting the one in Cave F in Sons of the Forest.

After you resurface, you’ll come across yet another wall blocking you. Dive underwater again and swim underneath it. Don’t worry, the artifact piece in Cave B will almost be in your hands.

Underneath water in Sons of the Forest.

Finally, you can resurface and move ahead through the cave. The last obstacle in your path will be some wooden boards. Again, you can use your melee weapon to break them down.

Breaking open Cave B artifact room entrance in Sons of the Forest.

Now go through the opening and you’ll see some strange looking structures. These structures will always appear in areas where there are artifact pieces to be found. Navigate ahead and you’ll eventually come across an artifact piece resting on a golden podium.

Pick it up to get the Cave B artifact! That’s everything you need to know about getting the artifact piece in Cave B!

Cave B Artifact found in Sons of the Forest.

Cave D Artifact Piece #1 – Lake Cave

Cave D is quite large and consists of two entrances, one that is considered the Lake Cave and the other the Ancient Armor Cave.

Starting off, we’ll be looking for the artifact piece in the Lake Cave. If you aren’t sure where it’s located, below is an image that shows the location on the GPS map.

Cave D Lake Cave location in Sons of the Forest.

Once you reach this location, you’ll see a boarded up entrance near some hanging skeletons. Break down the wooden boards with a weapon. After that, enter inside.

Entering Lake Cave in Sons of the Forest.

Navigate your way ahead and near the start, you’ll come across a boulder. Both sides of the boulder lead in separate directions. So turn right from this point.

Turning right of boulder in Sons of the Forest.

After that, make your way forward until you come across a skeleton sitting on a sofa. Unfortunately, he won’t be able to give you any directions for the artifact piece in Cave D!

Instead, look towards the left and you’ll see a small body of water. Dive inside it and go underwater with your Rebreather.

Skeleton on sofa in Sons of the Forest.

The area here is extremely deep but for the most part pretty straightforward. However, you’ll need to go very deep and swim forward before resurfacing. So, keep an eye on your oxygen for this part.

Diving underwater in Sons of the Forest.

Once you resurface, immediately head straight on the small incline that comes up. Once you go through the gap, you’ll know you’re heading the right way courtesy of the solafite ore on the wall. Your first Cave D artifact piece is close!

Keep going forward until you come to an area with some monsters, and branching paths. Turn to the left from here and continue ahead.

Going left from monsters in Sons of the Forest.

Again, you’ll come across some branching pathways. From here, you’re supposed to turn to the left.

Going left of solafite ore in Sons of the Forest.

After that, you’ll come across a wooden barricade. Equip your melee weapon and break it down. From this point, you’ll start to see strange structures which will tell you that you are extremely close to the artifact piece.

Boarded up entrance in Sons of the Forest.

Push forward and you’ll go through a small narrow pathway, with the strange structures either side of you. Seemingly, it’ll look like you’ve hit a dead end.

Going through gap in Sons of the Forest.

Look towards the right, and you can see a small rock outcropping. Your goal is to jump on top of it so that you can go up the platform.

Jumping onto rocks in Sons of the Forest.

Continue forward on the platform and you’ll come across the first Artifact Piece of Cave D. It’ll be sitting on a strange looking square podium. You can pick it up from there. Just one more to go!

Lake Cave Artifact Piece found in Sons of the Forest.

Cave D Artifact Piece #2 – Ancient Armor Cave

For the next artifact piece, we’ll be heading towards the Ancient Armor Cave section of Cave D in Sons of the Forest. Below is the location of this cave entrance shown on the GPS map.

Ancient Armor Cave D location in Sons of the Forest.

Navigate through the entrance and go up the small incline that comes up ahead inside.

Going up incline in Sons of the Forest.

Keep going straight until the paths divide again. You should turn right from here, ignoring the platform that is in front of you.

Turning right from platform in Sons of the Forest.

Up ahead, you’ll be able to make out a small gap, slightly towards the left. Enter this gap.

Entering gap in Sons of the Forest.

Once you go through the area will open up quite a bit. It’ll be a cavernous area with various platforms. 

In essence, you want to stay on the rightmost platform and follow the path on it. On the left below, you’ll be able to see quite a few enemies. Just keep going towards the solafite ore that is shining in the distance.

Following platform in Sons of the Forest.

Near the reserves of solafite ore, you can see an entrance that leads ever deeper into Cave D.

Solafite Ore entrance in Sons of the Forest.

As you follow the solafite, the ground will dip and end in a dead end where there is some water. You’ll need to dive underwater for this part making sure you have the Rebreather. Dive underneath any wall that comes up when you’re swimming.

Diving underwater in Sons of the Forest.

After you resurface, continue straight and keep following the path laid out by the cave.

Resurfacing from water and going straight in Sons of the Forest.

Eventually, you’ll reach an area that branches to the left, and goes straight. You might even miss it if you aren’t careful. You’ll be able to see this path by looking at the wooden planks below.

Make sure you turn left and follow the planks.

Turning left from planks in Sons of the Forest.

Up ahead, the cave will end in another dead end near some solafite ore. If you look closely, however, you should be able to make out a rope. Climb onto this rope and ascend up. Quite a long journey and still quite a bit of it left!

This artifact piece is by far the hardest to find in the whole game!

Using rope to go up in Sons of the Forest.

As you move forward now, you’ll be able to see the strange structures built into the cave walls. Turn right from where the path branches here.

Turning right from structure in Sons of the Forest.

Eventually, you’ll come across a gap where there is a steep decline. Jump down this incline and your character will slide down rapidly. Enjoy the ride!

Jumping down decline in Sons of the Forest.

Eventually, you’ll find yourself in a very large cave. It will be very dark here, and you can use the reserves of solafite up ahead as a marker to follow.

Going towards shining solafite ore in Sons of the Forest.

Eventually, you’ll see two pathways when you are near the solafite ore. From here, you want to turn to the left and keep going straight. There are a lot of enemies here so be careful. Also keep a melee weapon handy, so you can break the wooden barrier.

Turning left towards Ancient Armor Cave in Sons of the Forest.

Be on the lookout as there will be a platform that drops a bit sharply. Make sure you use the rope that is here to descend, otherwise you might take quite a bit of fall damage.

Going down rope in Sons of the Forest.

After that, you’ll come up near an area that branches to the right and to the left. Make sure that you go to the right from here.

Turn right towards Ancient Armor Cave in Sons of the Forest.

You know you picked the right spot when some deep water comes up to you out of nowhere. Dive into the water using your Rebreather.

Diving underwater in Sons of the Forest.

After you resurface, you’ll need to swim ahead before being blocked by a wall with more solafite ore. So, you’ll need to dive underwater again!

Going underwater near solafite ore in Sons of the Forest.

When you’re underwater, you’ll come across a spot where you can swim to the left or the right. Go to the left at this part.

Swimming left underwater in Sons of the Forest.

Keep going ahead until you come to a structure with more solafire ore on it. Look towards the right for a small gap that you can easily miss if you aren’t looking.

Going towards Ancient Armor Cave in Sons of the Forest.

Over here, you’ll come across a large cavernous room with lightning! The artifact piece now is extremely close!

Ancient Armor Cave with spaceship in Sons of the Forest.

In this area, you’ll see a strange looking green UFO or spaceship. Go towards the front of this plane that is facing downwards. You can climb onto this part pretty easily by jumping and making your way up the spaceship.

Climbing spaceship in Sons of the Forest.

Once you jump down from the spaceship, immediately turn around towards its rear. Here, you’ll see the entrance to it is boarded up. Break the entrance and enter inside.

Spaceship entrance in Sons of the Forest.

Make your way to the cockpit and you’ll eventually come across a dead pilot. The artifact piece will be resting nearby and you’ll see that it has green lightning on it. Pick up the artifact, and don’t forget the Ancient Armor next to him too!

That’s everything you need to know about getting the artifact pieces in Cave D!

Ancient Armor Artifact Piece in Sons of the Forest.

Cave F Artifact Piece

Starting off, you’ll want to make your way to the entrance of Cave F. This is the Cave with the entrance that requires you to go down a rope. For the one in the Rebreather Cave, check out your guide for getting the artifact piece inside Cave A.

The location for Cave F is shown below on the GPS map.

Cave F location in Sons of the Forest.

Once you’re here, descend down into Cave F. The artifact piece is deep towards the end of the cave.

Entering Cave F in Sons of the Forest.

After that, navigate through the cave and make your way through the gap shown below.

Cave F gap in Sons of the Forest.

Soon enough, you’ll come across a large boulder with paths going either side of it. Turn to the right of this boulder.

Going right of boulder in Sons of the Forest.

At this point, the cave will slowly start to decline downwards. So watch your step and keep going down. Ideally, staying at the right will ensure that you do not end up falling down.

Going down Cave F in Sons of the Forest.

The bottom will level down at a seemingly dead end. However, there will be some water at the end here that you can dive inside. Use your Rebreather and swim down, bypassing the dead end wall.

Diving underwater Cave F in Sons of the Forest.

After you resurface from the water, head towards the gap shown below. You’re very close to the artifact piece now! In fact, the difficult artifact pieces are located in Cave D.

Going towards gap after resurfacing in Sons of the Forest.

Eventually, you will come across a boarded up path. Use a melee weapon like an axe to break it down. Continue forward once it is clear.

Opening wooden barricade in Sons of the Forest.

Be careful as there will be a large drop ahead. You can use the rope to descend to the bottom.

Going down the rope in Sons of the Forest.

Keep following the path in the cave until you come across a crouch space. Crouch underneath and keep going ahead.

Crouching into the space in Sons of the Forest.

After you exit the crouch space, the room will open up a bit with a platform ahead. Jump onto the platform and immediately turn towards the right.

Jumping up onto a platform in Sons of the Forest.

You should be able to make out a small gap that leads further into Cave F. Go through this gap and you’ll be able to see some strange looking structures here.

Going towards Cave F artifact entrance in Sons of the Forest.

At the end of this path, you’ll reach a podium that has the artifact piece on it. Approach it and pick it up. That’s everything you need to know about getting the artifact piece in Cave F.

Cave F Artifact Piece in Sons of the Forest.

Cave G Artifact Piece

To find the artifact piece in Cave G, you’ll need to first reach the entrance. There are a variety of caves available across the game. For example, there is an artifact piece that you can also find in Cave A in Sons of the Forest.

Below is the location of Cave G shown on the GPS map.

Cave G location in Sons of the Forest.

After that, break through the barricaded entrance and get inside. There will be more wooden barricades on the ground. Use your weapon to break this down too. After that, jump down and navigate ahead through the cave.

Breaking open floor in Sons of the Forest.

At one point, you’ll come across some hanging skeletons next to a barrel. There will be a doorway that is blocked by more wooden planks. Use your weapon to break it down and go through it.

Breaking open barricade near skeletons in Sons of the Forest.

Go ahead and eventually you will reach a ledge with a rope. Use this rope to descend down. Once you land on your feet, drop down into the water immediately.

Descending rope into water in Sons of the Forest.

Swim up onto the platform next to the water and climb up. You’ll see several ways that you can go. However, you want to go towards the entrance that is shown below.

Entering shaft in Sons of the Forest.

Navigate ahead and you’ll come up an incline that is marked by some wooden planks. Follow this incline up.

Going up incline in Sons of the Forest.

After that, you’re looking for yet another blocked entrance that you can break through. You are getting very close to the artifact piece. You should also consider looking for the artifact piece in Cave F in Sons of the Forest if you haven’t already.

Going through barricade in Cave G in Sons of the Forest.

Keep navigating ahead until you eventually reach a ledge. Use the rope to descend to the bottom of the cave. You’ll start seeing strange structures here that indicate you’re approaching the end of Cave G.

Going down to end of Cave G in Sons of the Forest.

Eventually, you’ll come across a mysterious sight with golden skeletons encircling a podium. This podium will have the Cave G Artifact Piece on it, waiting for it to be picked up.

That’s everything you need to know about getting the artifact pieces in Cave G.

Cave G Artifact Piece in Sons of the Forest.

How To Activate & Use Artifact

To activate the artifact in Sons of the Forest, you will need to do the following:

  • Collect the 6 Artifact Pieces from their respective caves;
  • Finish the main story;
  • Go and retrieve the final artifact from the source of the glowing lights;
  • Combine all the pieces and create the Artifact.

Locate the Final Artifact Piece (After Finishing Story)

The final artifact piece is essentially linked to the end of the main story. So, you’ll need to finish it and defeat the Final boss. Additionally, you will also need to have gotten all the 6 Artifacts that are scattered across the caves.

After you finish the game, look towards the sky and you should notice there will be some strange green lights in the sky. You should be able to see them pretty clearly. We recommend you head towards them and locate the source.

Green lights in the sky in Sons of the Forest.

Eventually, you should be able to reach the base of the lights. Looks like it’s coming from the bottom of a hole.

Base of green lights in Sons of the Forest.

If you’re still having trouble locating the lights, here is a location of the area on the GPS map.

Green Lights location in Sons of the Forest.

Approach the hole and interact with the rope to descend into the cave. You will be able to tell immediately that there is a lot of action going on around here.

Entering final artifact cave in Sons of the Forest.

Your goal is to get to the bottom of the cave, which is mostly straightforward. You’ll come across some barricades that you can break down with your weapons.

Navigating final cave in Sons of the Forest.

At the bottom, there will be an artifact piece on top of a mysterious podium, ready for you to collect.

Final Artifact Piece in Sons of the Forest.

Activating the Artifact (Assembling All Pieces)

Now that you have all the artifact pieces, it is time to actually combine them and activate the Artifact. For this part, you’ll need to first access them in your Inventory. They can be found in the left side of your pack and will have the ‘???’ description on them.

Select each of them and press the Combine button. 

Artifact Pieces in Inventory in Sons of the Forest.

Once all the artifact pieces are together, click on the Gear button to combine them.

Combining all Artifact Pieces in Sons of the Forest.

Doing so will give you the artifact that you can now equip and use! The Artifact has been activated

Artifact activated in Sons of the Forest.

Using the Artifact (Multiple Modes)

The Artifact can be used in a variety of ways. Starting off, you will actually need to reload the Artifact. You can do this with pieces of Solafite Ore that can be harvested from caves. 

Reloading Artifact in Sons of the Forest.

You have likely seen Solafite Ore when traversing the caves looking for artifact pieces. It is a golden and shiny crystal-like substance, often growing on the walls.

Here is an image of a wall covered in Solafite before being harvested by a pickaxe.

Solafite Ore on walls in Sons of the Forest.

Once the Artifact is reloaded, it is ready to be used. In essence, you can use the Artifact in three major ways.

Use #1 – Turning Structures into Solafite (Gold)

The Artifact can be used to turn your structures into Solafite giving it a golden color. To do this, you will need to first Toggle the Artifact’s Mode by using the R key.

After that, simply point it to any structure or component that you want to convert and use it. Using it will slowly turn your wooden and stone structures golden!

This doesn’t just have an aesthetic purpose. Converting your structures into Solafite will double their resilience, making them harder to destroy!

Turning structures into Solafite in Sons of the Forest.
Use #2 – Using it with Mysterious Skull Structure 

Update 1.0 for Sons of the Forest has added a bunch of new blueprints that you can construct. Many of these are related to the main story, and actually the Artifact itself too. Check out our guide which shows you how to find all the blueprints in Sons of the Forest 1.0.

If you’re not familiar with the Mysterious Skull Structure, here is what the blueprint for it looks like. It can be found in a secret cave whose location is in the aforementioned guide.

Mysterious Skull Structure in Sons of the Forest.

Once you’ve built the structure with the required resources, you’ll need to put 6 pieces of Solafite Ore. After that, point your Artifact at the structure (Toggle the right mode) and activate it.

Activating Mysterious Skull Structure in Sons of the Forest.

Activating this Structure is a great way to defend your territory. Once it is activated, it creates lightning all around the area, scaring any cannibals and monsters that are trying to fight you!

Using Skull Structure to scare cannibals in Sons of the Forest.
Use #3 – Using it with Return Teleporter Platform

You can use the artifact with another structure, whose blueprint was added with Update 1.0. This is the Return Teleporter Platform, and it is meant to be exclusively used with the Artifact.

Starting off, you’ll need to build it with the required resources indicated in the blueprint. Here is what the blueprint for the Return Teleporter Platform looks like.

Return Teleporter Platform Blueprint in Sons of the Forest.

Once that’s done, point your Artifact at it to Activate it.

Activating Return Teleporter Platform in Sons of the Forest.

Once the Platform is activated, you can use the Artifact to teleport to it. Yes, that’s right, you can teleport to it regardless of where you are on the map. It can really help you out in a pinch. 

All you need to do is press the LMB and it’ll get you there in a blink!

Teleporting with Artifact in Sons of the Forest.

That’s everything you need to know about activating the Artifact and using it. As you can see, it has several uses that we highly recommend that you take advantage of!

Summing things up

That concludes this guide on the how to find all of the artifact pieces and how you can use them! Up next, we have a guide which covers all the possible endings of the Sons of the Forest Update 1.0. So, you don’t miss out on all the other endings!


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