There’s plenty of ways to get proper equipment in Soul Knight Prequel. The most common method of trying to get a decent weapon in the game is to take on an elite boss of some sort for a chance to get a legendary.
While that’s nice and all, you still won’t be able to deal the maximum amount of damage possible.
This is where your fatebound items come into play. It might take some time to figure out how to put two and two together, but we’ll shorten that by making you read the guide below.
Check out the guide if you want to know how the nodes work!
Best Melee Fatebound Guide
Fatebound Nodes are buffs that can be applied to your character with the correct equipment. You can check out what nodes you have equipped by looking at the Fatebound Items panel.
Every piece of equipment will have at least 1 Fatebound Node. Having 2 items with the same node will activate that Fatebound node’s ability and having 3 will strengthen the effect even further.

Here’s a few notable nodes you can make use of. They will end up on any piece of equipment, so be on the lookout for them:
- Strength Boost – Adds a bonus 25 – 50% bonus to your strength when three are put together. It increases both damage and HP as well.
- Swordmaster – Reflects bullets and increases damage to 50%.
- Valiant Strike – Increases your damage to 75% if you have two nodes. Put three nodes together and have your HP reduced to 70% to deal an extra 150% damage.
- Blowout – Increases the range of all melee attacks and AOE skills.
- Onslaught – Deal more Damage Over Time faster by 50%. If you only have two you only get a 75% bonus, which is slightly slower. A perfect node to have if you use Whirlwind.
- Backlash – Highly recommended to have three of these as it triggers specific attacks twice. That means you deal twice the amount of damage with just one mouse click.

Honorable Mentions
These nodes are usually used for other classes like the Assassin, which is also a melee build. It’s worth noting that Blowout and Backlash go well with that class too, here’s the rest of the nodes:
- Heavy Armor – Will grant you damage reduction and knockback resistance.
- Lifesteal – Absorbs enemy HP whenever your attacks connect. Helps keep the fight going if you like getting up close and personal.
- Premium Bundle – Increases all of your base stats, perfect for any build.

And those are the Fatebound nodes you should look for when doing a melee build in Soul Knight Prequel. Now, start putting together what you can and watch those numbers go flying!
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