Starfield is a game that was released by Bethesday, who are known for creating two amazing video game series called The Elder Scrolls and Fallout. These video game series are considered to be the best RPG series in the video game industry, with Skyrim and Fallout 3 being a lot of people’s favorites.
However, Bethesda is also known for releasing buggy games at launch, like the dumpster fire that was Fallout 76. Starfield, while mostly a playable game, does have some bugs that prevent quest progression, like the UC Vigilance door bug for the Deep Cover quest. In this guide, I will show you how to work around this bug to progress.
UC Vigilance Door Bug – Deep Cover Quest
When you see the door, you won’t be able to continue, even though the game is telling you that this is where you need to go. However, that is a lie.
The game is bugged into telling you that the door is where you need to go when in fact, it is not. Facing the door, turn around and you should see an elevator to your left. Take it to go down to the Operations Center.

When the elevator opens, continue forward until you reach the door across the room, which is the Operations Center where you need to be in.

Inside the Operations Center, you will find Commander Ikande. Talk to him and the quest marker will fix itself for the rest of the quest.

That’s all you need to know on how to on how to continue to progress the Deep Cover quest, despite the door bug. Did this guide help you get around it? Let us know in the comments below.