On the east side of the Tabantha Bridge, is where you’ll find the Tabantha Bridge Stable in Tears of the Kingdom. This tiny stable is home to stablehands and horses. You can also find the side quest, A Picture for Tabantha Bridge Stable here. Read our guide below to know more.
A Picture for Tabantha Bridge Stable Side Quest
- Go to the Ancient Colums at coordinates (-3480, 0441, 0278).
- Take a picture of the columns at sunrise.
- Interact with the empty frame.
- Talk to Dabi to get your reward.
Detailed Walkthrough
In order to activate this side quest, go to Tabantha Bridge Stable at the coordinates (-2910, 0554, 0169) as seen on the map below.

Enter the stable and interact with the empty frame. The stablehand, Dabi will then talk to you to take a picture of Ancient Columns at sunrise.

Don’t worry, as the columns aren’t that far away. They are just located on the west of the stable. You can go across the bridge to see the columns. They are also indicated in the map at the coordinates (-3480, 0441, 0278)

Just take out your camera(L) to take a picture of the Ancient Columns. Remember to take this picture at sunrise. There would be an exclamation point that says Ancient Columns at Sunrise to know that you’re taking the picture correctly.

Save the picture and go back to the stable. Interact with the empty frame again, Dabi will then talk to you to have a copy of the picture. He will then give you a pony point and Hasty Elixir as a reward.

And with that you have finished A Picture for Tabantha Bridge Stable Sidequest!
ALSO READ: Tears of the Kingdom: The Horse Guards Request Side Quest Guide | Legend of Zelda