Events in games have always been a great way to get the community together and have them do something fun. From triple AAA to indie games, events can be found in those types of games. Even Roblox games have those. The Mimic has recently released their second chapter in Book 2, as well as an event called Hall of Fame. But what is the Hall of Fame event? What do you need to do? And what can you get from it? In this guide, I will how you what the Hall of Fame event is about.
How to Get Hall of Fame Guide
For those who aren’t aware, Hall of Fame is an event (or competition) where players compete in order to complete a newly released chapter in the fastest time possible. With the newly released Chapter 2 out now, the Hall of Fame event is also running alongside it. But what do you get out of completing the newest chapter in the fastest time? Here are the benefits:
- Hall of Fame tag in the game
- Hall of Fame role in the official server of the game
- Your name in The Mimic Hall of Fame in game section
Now that you know the benefits, all you have to do now is to go to the lobby and look for the Hall of Fame event start. It’s a blue circle with the words “Hall of Fame” floating above it. It’s hard to miss. Approach the event and start it, and you will have to complete the event in the fastest time possible. Good luck.

Hall of Fame Key Moments
In this next section, I am going to show you key moments in the run that you need to do in order to save time. These are parts of the run that will cost you time if you don’t know what to do.
During this part of the run, you encounter enemies. Your best bet is to keep going, do not stop to hide. If you stop once, you will lose the speed necessary to continue forward.

When you reach the long hallway section and come across a doorway with light, there will be a cutscene that plays. There is a way to get to the right location, even while the cutscene plays. When you are near the light, turn left and look down. Afterwards, immediately hold W, Shift, and tap D. This will help you proceed to where you need to go while in the cutscene, which saves a lot of time.

Another good way to save time is to skip the cooking section. To skip it, just cook the foods the wrong way and don’t follow instructions. You will eventually skip the cooking section, but will have to do the chase scene. Just keep sprinting out to survive the chase.

After the chase, you will find a room with a monster in the middle. This monster will attack you if you move while it has a symbol above it, but will hide once a chime sound can be heard, which allows the players to continue moving. Most players would make the mistake of staying far away from the monster the whole time, but you don’t have to do that.
Instead, when you hear the chime and the monster is looking down, keep going straight. When you hear the chime again, that means the monster is looking up. Quickly stop and look at the monster. The second you hear the chime, immediately keep going. Repeat until you reach the ladder, where you can continue sprinting again.

In the tower puzzle, you will have a monster trying to kill you while you do the codes. There is a trick to let you do the puzzles without having to worry about the puzzle. The first time the monster comes up, you will have to hide. After it leaves, immediately complete the first puzzle and climb up. Instead of going straight to the second puzzle, keep going until you have to climb a third ladder.
After you make it up the third ladder, immediately turn around and jump back down to do the second puzzle. This trick essentially makes the monster into thinking you’re on the third floor, but you’re really on the second floor doing the second puzzle. You can then do the puzzles without having to worry about the monster.

After you exit the tower and make it to the surface, you will then have to find three ghost girls while avoiding a monster. The monster will let you know it is near when your screen becomes grainy and words start floating around. You will then have to hide in shacks to avoid it.
To complete this section, you will have to follow this map. From the spawn point, you will go forward until you reach the first ghost girl, which is marked as red. After that, turn around and go to the house which is marked as yellow. The ghost girl will be upstairs. Then lastly, go to the shrine at the bottom left section of the map and you will find the last ghost girl.
Once all ghost girls have been found, go to the exit, which is marked by the brown color on the map. Avoid the monster as well while you are going there.

When you exit the map, you will then have to play an old fashioned game of Slender Man. You will need to find 6 notes on the map in order to complete this section. To do that, you will have to follow this map once again. From the spawn point, just follow the route marked in red and pick up the notes which are marked by the yellow cross.

When you find all of the notes, you will be transported to the next area, which is the Nagisa boss fight. You don’t need to do anything special here besides just doing your best to do a lot of damage and don’t be afraid to jump into the ink to deal more damage. It’s okay to risk some health to finish the fight quickly.
That’s all you need to know on how to get the Hall of Fame. Did this help you understand what the Hall of Fame event is all about? Let us know in the comments below.
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