Puzzles can be fun in video games. It’s a great way to get your brain working and out of the combat loop from time to time. The feeling of finishing a puzzle all on your own is one of the better experiences in life, like when you finish a crossword puzzle or a sudoku puzzle. There are some players however who don’t like puzzles since they break the pacing of games, or that they just don’t like puzzles in general and just want to get it over, for those people this is the guide for you. Let’s start with this Lepus Constellation Link guide.
Lepus Constellation Link In Tower of Fantasy
In Tower of Fantasy there are plenty of puzzles in the game that you can solve to get rewards. Sometimes these rewards are XP and some loot, while others can give you Gold Nucleus, the currency you use to pull on the game’s Gacha. These puzzles are scattered all around the world. They let players experience the world and get rewarded for it in the process. One of those puzzles involve Smart Telescopes.
Smart Telescope puzzles have you connect the dots of certain constellations for a reward. These constellations often start with some of the dots already connected and it’s up to you to figure out the rest. All the constellations in these puzzles correspond to the real-world constellations.
One Smart Telescope can be found southeast of the Navia Bay, next to the tower there east of the waterfall.

This Telescope is looking at the Lepus Constellation and it’s your job to finish connecting the dots. If you connect the dots like the ones on the image below, you will solve the puzzle. The Constellation’s name comes from the Latin word Lepus meaning Hare, also known as rabbits.

Congratulations you now know how to finish one of these constellations. Now go out there and try finishing it yourself! Many thanks to ZaFrostPet for showing everyone how to do this puzzle. If you need more information check their video out here: Lepus Constellation Link Tower of Fantasy – YouTube
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