Tower of Fantasy is a RPG-style game where you will find the most classic type of dungeons. Get inside, clear out a bunch of enemies, pick up some hidden chests and defeat a boss in the end. They are fun and the Ruin B-02 is one of them. Let’s see how you can pass it without breaking a sweat.
Normal Ruin B-02 Walkthrough | All Chests – Tower of Fantasy
Chest 1/4
In the first area of this dungeon, you will get tons of enemies. You will need to eliminate them all in order to continue. There will be a total of 5-8 enemies total.
Once that is done there will be a set of stairs on the left. You will need to use them and then pick up this square box. Place it on the Lift in order to get a door to open for you to continue.

The arrow on the left is with the Lift, and the arrow on the right is your first chest. You can get to it by crushing the wooden roots around it first.
Chest 2/4
The second one will be right next to the stairs. Simply place a lifting device that can get you up in the air and get up on this platform.

Place in as shown in this picture above. This is a hidden type of a chest so lots of players actually miss it.
Chest 3/4
Next up is the underground area. As you can see in the picture above, there is a little section that leads lower on the left. Just get inside that lower underground area. There will be enemies down there too so be careful when jumping straight in.
There will be a crack in the wall while you’re down there. Look for the crack in the middle and just on the right. It should look like this.

Place the jumping pad over there just as you’ve done for the second chest. This will get you up and you will find yet another hidden chest.
Chest 4/4
The last chest on this Ruin B-02 map will be on the picture shown above, in the third chest, the arrow on the left. You will go up the stairs and then proceed to loot the chest that will be on the left-hand side after you’ve entered it.

There will be a total of 2 enemies when you enter this little room though, but they shouldn’t be a problem at all.
Once you’ve done getting the chest you will want to go up from the underground area. Go back to where that first little door opened after you activated the lift. There will be a big Overpower Commander just on top of it. Defeat him too.

Once you enter the room from before you will get one more Overpower Commander and a square box once again. Pick up that square box and carry it all the way to the new lift pressure plate that you’ll find there.

Now go in that same small room and pick up the other square box and throw it on the other lift pressure plate. This time you’ll need to throw it on the smaller one. Once you get through all of the lifts the door will open and you’ll be fighting the Minotaur.
Minotaur Boss Fight
This is an extremely tanky and HP focused type of boss. You will want to keep your distance off him all the time while battling him. The reason is that he does a lot of damage if he hits you and he is extremely slow.

He will constantly try to get to you but if you’re slowly moving back and keeping your distance this boss fight will be finished in no time.
That is it! We hope that this guide was of some help and aided you in finishing the Ruin B-02.
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