How to find Jason Moore in his hidden underground room. Let’s see.
Moore’s Apartment Secret Room Location | How To Find Jason Moore – Vampire The Masquerade Swansong
First of all, you will need to find the clue on a sticky note next to the kitchen’s statues and bodies. Then you will need to go into the room with the big table and the fires slowly burning in the background.

Here you can find a note on a small end table with a bottle of wine next to it. You will need to open this planner which belongs to Lydia.
Now proceed to move to the bathroom located in the main bedroom. The bedroom is located on the second floor at the end of the walkaway. You will see a broken pot of flowers next to the door.
Go inside the toilet and look into the mirror. Here you will see an option to call a number or write a text. Write the number: 78728432 or PURAVIDA. A door will open to your left and music will begin playing.

Enter this room and after the little black screen, proceed to move down the stairs. Inside, sitting on a chair, you will spot Jason sitting in an unconscious state.
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