The Sunyshore City is filled with exciting battles and puzzles to solve. The Gym Leader of Sunyshore Gym is tough but this guide will show you how you can find the Gym Leader and defeat him with your Pokemon team.
Where to Find the Gym Leader

After entering Sunyshore City, go to the right and climb up the staircase, keep going to the right until you reach the second fork. Go down and head to the right where you will find the Vista Lighthouse.
Enter the lighthouse and use the elevator to get to the top floor. You will find the Gym Leader next to the binoculars. Talk to him and he will tell you that he will challenge the Pokemon League if he wins.
Go to the Sunyshore Gym at the north to challenge the Gym Leader.
How to Defeat the Sunyshore Gym Leader

After entering the Sunyshore Gym, you will encounter a series of clockwork platforms that you need to solve. Volker will use the following Pokemon:
- Lv. 46 Raichu
- Lv.47 Ambipom
- Lv.47 Octillery
- Lv.49 Luxray
You will also face multiple trainers before reaching Volkner so be sure you are well-stocked and ready.
ALSO READ: Sunyshore City Gym Puzzle Guide – Pokemon Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl