
Where to Find Ubasam Wood in LOTR Return to Moria

How do you find more Ubasam wood in Return to Moria?

The Lord of the Rings: Return to Moria is finally out, and it features a procedurally generated world set in the titular mines of Moria. In the game, players have to craft and construct all sorts of equipment and structures in order to survive and seek out treasure within the mines. Having said all that, one of the resources you’ll require is called Ubasam wood, so how do you get it?

Where to Find Ubasam Wood

Simply put, Ubasam wood can be found within The Lower Deeps, which you’ll eventually stumble into as you make your way down the The Crystal Descent.

The story objectives will eventually lead you to this place, so just keep following it in order to make your way down to this area.

You will notice certain kinds of mushrooms scattered throughout The Lower Deeps, these are actually small nodes of Ubasam wood, so start chopping them down for more!

NOTE: Once you defeat the boss in the Mines, do not use the Black Diamonds you’ll get as you’ll need it to access The Crystal Descent.

In order to get to the The Crystal Descent, you can find a deep hole within the cave with crystals all around.

To go down, you’ll have to fix an elevator with 15 black diamonds and about 30 pieces of natural fiber.

For other sources of Black Diamonds, you can open chests, raid orc camps, etc.

Return to Moria mushroom

As you continue to descend down this area, you’ll eventually find full trees of the stuff all around the place, which should incentivize you to further explore it if you require more of this resource.

Return to Moria ubasam wood

And that’s pretty much how you get Ubasam wood in LOTR: Return to Moria. This is just one of the many resources you can get in the game, so keep on exploring the iconic mines to discover the rest!

ALSO READ: How to Light & Fix the Great Furnace of Narvi in LOTR Return to Moria


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