World of Warcraft keeps coming up with new additions, storylines as well as classes or races that you can play as. The latest addition, which is a fan favorite of the Elf lovers, is the Dark Ranger Customization. Here we will talk about how you can get it. Let’s get started.
How To Get Dark Ranger Customization & Transmog – World Of Warcraft
If you are playing with the Horde faction, you can get started with the quest Call To Lordaeron from the NPC Calia Menethil. She will be located in the Shadowlands region inside the Oribos zone.

If you are from the Alliance faction, you will need to start the quest Eyes of the Wolf from the Genn Greymane. He will be located actually in the same region Oribos and just around Calia. You can find him easily as he is standing next to Calia herself.
To be extra safe and be able to finish everything in no time, make sure to have War Mode Off so you won’t get killed by players while doing this.
The questline is actually very interesting and fun. A lot of important lore characters from World of Warcraft are in it so it is very rewarding. You will keep seeing characters from the past and the present while doing it. There is also a very interesting cutscene at the end.
Once you complete the quests you will get an achievement Return to Lordaeron which gives you the title ,,of Lordaeron’’ and rewards you with the Dark Elf customization option.

Remember that you can only have this customization applied to Blood Elves and Night Elves and Void Elves with the pale skin and the red eyes.
The full gear set which also comes with the Dark Ranger outlook is:
- Dark Ranger’s Cowl
- Shoulders
- Cloak
- Vest
- Wristbands
- Gloves
- Belt
- Legguards
- Boots
You can get them all by beginning the quest Path of the Dark Rangers. You can start this quest from the Dark Ranger Velonara NPC. If you are a Hunter class and you complete this quest you will be able to buy the full set. If you complete it with another class, you won’t be able to do so.
To buy the set you will have to go to Dalaran and then fly to the Trueshot Lodge. Here you will find this Worgen NPC by the name of Outfitter Reynolds. Once you open his shop you will see that the Dark Ranger outlook will be here for selling. It will take around 1k gold to buy it all.

I hope this was helpful and have fun playing as the Dark Ranger outlook. They look real badass and cool!
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