Treasure is a very loose word that gets thrown around sometimes when dealing with dungeons, some could be looking for amulets while others scrounge for whatever coin they can get their hands on. Not you though, you’re here for a much more noble cause, and that’s finding fifteen recipe pages for the new World of Warcraft quest “A Brew For The Ages.”
This guide will show you all the highs and lows you need to look around in to bring back a recipe said to be brewed by Netlharion himself, so let’s jump right in and get those pieces of parchment.
WoW: Dragonflight – A Brew For The Ages
The quest location is over at Zskera Vault: Ur, not to be located with Zsekara Vault: Az. You’ll find the vault on the northern part of Morqut Islet where Tacha and Jeb will be waiting for you.
Head down there and get rid of the Vengeful Research in the middle of the room to make the search less spicy.

There are plenty of adjacent rooms you can look around in for the pages, the first one is in an open vault on the ground floor that can be found at X28.17 and Y:56.84.
It’s sitting on top of an ornate table, now head back outside and check the area around the Obsidian Mixing Table for two more pages.

Go to the eastern side of the ground floor past the Horrible Error and Experimental Trial to get two more pages.

Jump up to the platforms at X30:15 and Y:55.63 to find another set of two sitting near the edges.

One of the locked rooms on the second floor will have a Raging Windlord inside once you open it. Get rid of that guy and grab the two pages inside, there’s one more page lying right outside of the door as well.
You should’ve found ten pages by now.

Move up to another floor at X:29.77 and Y:57.47 to find three more pages sitting next to the locked vaults.

The last two pages can be found if you scale the dungeon further by one floor, they’re sitting on the same spot as before.
You can turn in all of the pages by talking to Tapper Swindlekeg on the lower levels for 28 gold, 4 silver, and Three Zskera Vault Keys!