The Magmashell Mount is not obtainable believe it or not. A lot of people thought that it isn’t actually in the game yet but it is a very easy mount to obtain once you the steps of doing it how. In this guide, we shall show you those steps that you’ll need to follow and you’ll have Magmashell ready to ride. Let’s get started.
Magmashell Easy Mount Guide – Dragonflight – WoW
Step 1 – Empty Magma Shell

The first thing that is crucial and a must-have if you want to be getting the Magmashell Mount is that you need to have Magmashell. If you want to get this item you will need to be farming the lava slugs/snail monsters. It has a very high drop chance so you’ll just need to get next to one and then get on a killing spree. After a while, you should get one.

One region that you want to be trying out to get them is the southern area of the Obsidian Citadel. There will be a lot of snails just under it and you can just farm them all. You can just get to the highlighted place above and start looking for snails.
Step 2 – Massive Pool Of Lava

You will need to head to the northeasternpart of the same map where you were farming the snails. Here you will find a massive pool of lava that is sort of active and moving up and down. Inside the lava should be an Empowered Slug.

If it isn’t inside, it means that somebody has recently gotten this mount and you will just need to wait for a while. Once it respawns again you can interact with it and get the mount.
Get inside the lava and get right next to the slug. If you have the slug with you, you can just click on the slug and you’ll get a 20–second cast and you’ll end up riding the slug. Once the cast is done you will get yourself the mount.

Keep in mind that you will be taking continuous lava damage. So just make sure that you take somebody healing you or some resistance that will help you out with this matter. That’s all that you need to know!
We hope that this guide has helped you out with getting the MagmaShell Easy Mount. Have fun and get it yourself!
ALSO READ: WoW: Otto Secret Mount Guide – Dragonflight