Deepwoken is a challenging Roblox experience where you have to uncover various mysteries all while discovering and making use of various powerful abilities. There are many builds that you can try out in the game, and in order to be the strongest player around, you will need to figure out which one suits you best.
This build was created by Nightcrawlers, so credits go to him for this one.
Arcwarder Curved Blade Thunder Build Guide
For this build to work, you will need the right gear, talents, and stats. We’ll walk you through each of these in the following sections.
First, for gear, you will want to have the following items to get the optimal bonus stats and talents:
- Curved Blade of Winds
- Ignition Deepdelver
- Ironsinger Heavy Plate
- Moonlit Earrings
- Bloodfeather Mask
- Gladiator Helm
- Star Boots
- Maestro’s Ring
- Prophet’s Ring
- Rosen’s Ring
- Ring of Wisps
- Confessor’s Charm

There is a long list of talents for this one, as with other builds. We’ll try to quickly go through every single one of them here:
- Kick Off
- Everything under Alley Cat
- Everything under Arcwarder
- Triathlete
- Everything under Authority Interrogator
- Moving Fortress
- Everything under Butterfly
- Everything under Charm Caster
- Gale Leap
- Blood Thirsty
- Call of the Deep
- Depths Connection
- The Sound from Below
- Ethiron’s Gaze
- Concussive Force
- Tap Dancer
- Ether Absorption
- Ether Blade
- Fishman
- Flamecharmer
- Adept Flamecharmer
- Expert Flamecharmer
- Exoskeleton
- To The Finish
- Galebreathe Unbounded
- Galebreather
- Adept Galebreather
- Expert Galebreather
- Master Galebreather
- The Old Wind
- Neuroplasticity
- Everything under Ignition Union
- Chitin
- Deepbound Contract
- Air Pressure
- Cyclone Blade
- Pressure Break
- Wind Step
- Defiant until the End
- Uproar
- Aggressive Posture
- Thresher Claws
- Thresher Scales
- Chain of Perfection
- Murmur: Ardour
- Fast Blade
- Family Recipe
- Everything under Silencer
- Bloodiron Spirit
- Chime of Conflict
- Link Conduction
- Static Link
- Storm Link
- Flaming Flourish
- Gathering Electricity
- Static Blade
- Thundercall Unbounded
- Thundercaller
- Adept Thundercaller
- Expert Thundercaller
- Master Thundercaller
- Cheap Shot
- Everything under Unstable Capacitor
- Blade Dancer
- Speed Demon
- Spinning Swordsman
- Critical Attack
- Engage
- Conditioned Swimmer
- Scuba Drowner
- Aerial Assault
- Mercy Kill
- Anxious Guard
- Pleeksty’s Will
- Replenishing Knockout
- Speed Emission
- Health Pack
- Sunken Predator
- Haunted Gale

For your mantras, you will want to get the following:
- Arc Beam – Fires a laser beam that deals both lightning and fire damage.
- Arc Wave – An area of effect ability that deals both lightning and fire damage around you.
- Astral Wind – Delivers several strikes at once, dealing a decent amount of damage.
- Tornado – Shoots out a current of wind in an area in front of you.
- Storm Blades – Summons a series of weapon-shaped thunder strikes in an area in front of you.
- Gale Lunge – Dash a short distance forward while dealing a bit of damage at the same time.
- Lightning Cloak – Cover yourself in an empowering aura of lightning.
- Flame Wisp – Conjure a little familiar of fire.
- Wind Passage – Another mobility skill that lets you dash forward.
- Arc Suit – Covers you in a durable set of temporary armor.
For the purposes of this build, refer to the image below to see what your pre-shrine and max level stats should look like:

And that’s pretty much the entire build. The general idea is to open up with your Arc Suit at the start of every fight for that extra defense, and then just apply constant pressure both at close range and from a distance with all of your mantras to maximize your DPS!
ALSO READ: Deepwoken: New Update Guide | Mantra, Weapon, Cosmetics, Dual Attunement Path & More