Genshin Impact: All Enkanomiya Challenge Locations

Stefany Hernandez
4 Min Read

It is no doubt that the Enkanomiya Islands are filled with dangers and challenges. However, the challenges in Enkanomiya are not marked on the map, making them challenging to find. Here are all its locations.

Enkanomiya Challenge Locations – Genshin Impact

Enkanomiya is divided into multiple islands, and we are going to discuss the challenges on each location separately. Here are all the challenge locations in The Serpent’s Bowels:

  • The first challenge is on the southern part of the map, near the edge of the lake. You need to collect 8 Electro particles in 40 seconds.
  • The second challenge is just south of the central teleport waypoint in the Serpent’s Bowels. The challenge is to blow up 7 Barrels within 50 seconds.
  • From the central teleport waypoint, go east near the body of water. You also need to collect 7 Electro particles here but within 60 seconds.
  • Lastly, the fourth challenge in the Serpent’s Bowels is to the northeast of the ruins. The challenge is to collect 8 Electro particles within 40 seconds.

Below are the challenge locations for both the Narrows and the Dainichi Mikoshi islands.

  • The first challenge is west to the southern teleport waypoint in the Narrows. You need to collect 8 Electro particles within 40 seconds.
  • The second challenge is to the easternmost part of the Narrows, at the edge of a cliff. You also need to collect 8 Electro particles but within 60 seconds this time.
  • Head to the northeastern part of Dainichi Mikoshi island for the third challenge. The challenge is to blow up 4 exploding barrels in 30 seconds.
  • You can find the fourth challenge on the eastern teleport waypoint of Dainichi Mikoshi. The challenge is the same as the third challenge.
  • Next, go to the western teleport waypoint of Dainichi Mikoshi. The challenge is located near the staircase to the temple.
  • From here, go south of the temple and you will find multiple platforms. Glide towards the challenge to start it.

Now let us go to the Serpent’s Heart. You can find the location of all the challenges in Serpent’s Heart below:

  • The first challenge is near the northwestern teleport waypoint of the island. You need to go inside the cavern and past the ruins to get to the challenge.
  • From here, go south until you are in the middle of the western islet. The challenge is near the waterfall.
  • Head over to the central islet teleport waypoint and you will find the third challenge near it. You need to get to the chest within 40 seconds.
  • From here, go northeast and you will see the challenge on the ark near the broken bridge.
  • Next, go to the eastern islet teleport waypoint and head north. You will find the challenge next to a tree.

Lastly, below are the challenge locations for the Evernight Temple Island:

  • Go to the southernmost teleport waypoint and head west. The challenge is near the ruins.
  • Use the same south teleport waypoint and head northwest. You can find the challenge near the mountain cliff.
  • Lastly, go to the northernmost part of the Evernight Temple and you will find the challenge near the cliff as well.

And there you have it, that is all the challenges you can find in the Enkanomiya Islands!

ALSO READ: Genshin Impact: Step Right Up! Achievement Guide

Stefany has always been inspired by the narrative design, creativity, and world-building of video games. She is an avid gamer and an indie game developer that loves creating content for gamers like herself.
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