Bedwars is one of the most popular games on Roblox to this day. As a result, you’ll also find a lot of mods on servers you play that are constantly making sure everything is running smoothly and no one is cheating. They are known as AC (anti cheat) Mods.
Did you know that you can actually become an AC mod too? In this guide, we’ll be going over everything you can do so that you can get that AC mod title. Without further delay, let’s get into it!
How To Get AC MOD Complete Guide
Anti Cheat Mods in Roblox Bedwars are in charge of helping the community by banning cheaters and exploiters. There is no guaranteed way to become an AC Mod though, as you will need to be picked by the moderator team themselves.
But to increase your chances, we’ll be going over everything you can do so that the moderator team recognizes you. This can take a while though, sometimes even months to half a year or more. So, you better be dedicated!
AC Mod Tool
Before we get into the requirements, we’ll first show you what an AC mod is supposed to do in Bedwars. Becoming an AC Mod gives you access to Overwatch.
Overwatch is a moderation tool that allows AC Mods to spectate players who have been reported in the game. You can even get supporting information in real time which includes Reports, Wins, K/D etc that will help you with a decision.
Below these statistics, you will see three options:
- Ban
- Skip
- Innocent.
These are options that allow you to ban the player, skip if you are not sure or mark them as innocent in case of a false report.
On the right of these options, there is also a Player button. This allows you to spectate the reported player’s team or anyone in the server so you can also arrive at a decision.
Now that you know what an AC Mod does, it’s time to see how you can become one.

AC Mod Requirements
AC Mods are chosen or handpicked by the lead AC Mod (chase) and his anti-cheat team. Their requirements for picking an AC Mod are the following:
- Truthfulness
- Maturity
- Game Knowledge
- Involvement.
Let’s go over these main points in detail so you understand them.

To become an AC Mod in Roblox Bedwars, you must be trusted by the anti-cheat team headed by chase and be on good terms with them. This means that you will need to have good connections or ties with them.
What we’re basically saying is that you’ll need to be close or good friends with them.
Besides that, you will also need to have a good reputation and clean history in the game. That means that you should have no exploitation or boosting incidents on your record.
The anti cheat team in Roblox Bedwars is always looking for people who are mature and of a certain minimum age. This means that your everyday behaviour will matter a lot and is looked at when people are suggested for the AC Mod position.
So avoid behaving in an immature way, such as cursing or calling the mods or other players certain names. Even if the mods make a mistake or something, you should address them respectfully.
There’s no set age limit by the team, but the preferred ages are 14+ to 15+. This is similar to the server mod age requirement.
Game Knowledge
If you want to become an AC Mod in Roblox Bedwars, you must have good knowledge of the game. Knowing how the game works, how certain game mods and features work is critical. These skills will help you uncover exploits and prevent any false bans.
So, when you’re making a decision, your knowledge will allow you to understand whether someone is cheating or not. As a result, the team will take your game experience into the equation as well.
When other players record and report exploits and cheating incidents to the anti cheat team, it helps them out a lot to get rid of them. It showcases to them that you know how to catch exploiters.
You’ll find that a lot of players in the game are actively trying to help the anti cheat team by reporting exploits and cheaters to them.
For example, there are report checkers who check exploiter reports in the AC Mod’s discord server, who are crucial for getting exploiters banned.
Not only do they have a lot of experience in detecting exploits, but they are also well trusted by the team and have good connections with some, if not all of them. This goes a long way in showing the team all the mentioned qualities.

How To Become Trusted?
So, you may be wondering how you can showcase all the requirements and qualities we mentioned.
The first thing that you can do is join the communities and interact with them positively. These communities can help you build connections and friendships with other players, including the anti cheat team.
This will also help you build trust with them.
However, we strongly recommend that you do not directly try to become close to the mods or overdo it. Chances are, this will cause them to distance away from you.
Let things develop naturally, as developing trust can take a long time. It can even take months to half a year, if not longer. But do not take shortcuts.
Lastly, you should keep in mind that there are no AC mod applications. There is only a private invite that is sent by chase, head of the AC Mod team.

That’s everything you need to know about becoming an AC mod in Roblox Bedwars. Remember that with everything we’ve said, it’s still not guaranteed you’ll become one. But by showcasing the requirements and being positive in the community will certainly increase your chances!