In SkibiVerse, there are a lot of different characters or morphs that you can get in the game. Some of these characters are easy to get while others require you to do some quests in the game. These quests often need you to go to different places and it’s easy to get lost. One of the morphs you can get is the Engineer Cameraman and to get that one, you’ll need to do a couple of things.
In this guide, we’ll show you how you can get the Engineer Cameraman in the game. Now, let’s see what the steps for the quest are!
How To Get Engineer Cameraman
There are a lot of quests in this game and most of them involve you looking for certain places. This can be difficult since there’s not really a reliable map in the game. We’ll go step-by-step on how to do the Engineer Cameraman quest to get that morph in the game!
Before you can get the Engineer Cameraman morph in the game, you’ll first need to have one of the TV morphs in the game. You can either get the TV Woman or TV Man morph, one of them is needed to do the quest.
You can go check out our guide on How to get TV Woman if you haven’t gotten her already.

The quest that you’ll need to start is called the Engineer Cameraman quest. When you select the quest, you’ll see that it’s titled “Recover Stolen Property!”, where you’ll need to do a few steps to complete it.
NOTE: You can also get the “Something Mysterious quest” if you want, since it’s in the same area as this quest.

Find The Engineer
The first part of the quest is to find the Engineer; I highly suggest you use a morph that could fly to get there easier.
From the Hub, go to the right and follow the highway going left, go through the bend and see a big open area, go to the right of that as shown below.

Once you’re there, go down and go to the left in the alleyway shown below.

Midway through the alleyway look to the right and there, you’ll see the Engineer. Interact with him to complete this part of the quest.

Find His Repair Tool
The next part of the quest is to find the repair tool. To do this, it’s better to teleport back to the Hub Central area. From there, head to the left as shown below and go straight through the alleyway.

Continue walking forward until you get past a hotel building on the right. There, you’ll see the area shown below. You’ll need to go forward and through the alleyway to continue.

Once you’re through the alleyway, head to the left and then head left again through the archway shown below.

You’ll then find a door and this is where you’ll need to morph into a TV Man or TV Woman to get inside.

Once you’re inside, you’ll see an obstacle course you’ll need to go through. It’s a straightforward course, and all you need to remember is that some of the platforms disappear from time to time.
There are also some gaps in-between the platforms so keep that in mind.
NOTE: If it’s difficult to see the platforms for you then set your game graphics to a minimum through the options. This will remove most of the smoke effects.

At the very end of the course is a large rectangular platform with a white orb in the middle. Don’t touch the orb yet.
Instead, head to the corner where you can find the Repair Tool. Interact with it, then you’ll complete the quest and get the Engineer Cameraman!

You can then interact with the white orb, and this will make your character die. It will also complete the Something Mysterious quest.
That’s how you can get the Engineer Cameraman in SkibiVerse. Now, go out there and try to get it yourself!
ALSO READ: SkibiVerse: How To Get Speaker Woman Morph