Verse Piece on Roblox has a brand new update that introduces a really cool weapon, Butterflies. These are a set of dual wielded handguns that fire butterflies out of them. But how exactly do you obtain them in the game?
If you’re having trouble with this, we’ve got you sorted! In this guide, we’ll show you everything you need to know about them in the game. Without further delay, let’s get into it!
Complete Butterflies Guide
To be able to get the Butterflies in Verse Piece, there is a whole process you’ll need to follow. We’ll go through that first before showing a showcase of the move that the weapon has to offer.
Butterflies Attainment Method
To obtain the Butterflies, you’ll first need to make your way to the Runes Island in the game. When you arrive here, you’ll see two NPCs.
The first of these NPCs is the Butterflies NPC who will give you the Butterflies. However, there are some requirements that you will need to fulfill.
Here are the requirements to obtain the Butterflies from the NPC in Verse Piece:
- 10,000$G
- x100 Death Butterflies
- x1 Solemn
- x1 Lament
- E.G.O. Title.
To be able to get all of these requirements, you’ll need to go to the Spawn Dungeon NPC. He can also be found on the Runes Island near the Butterflies NPC.

Interact with him and you’ll need to run the Limbus Company dungeon. There are two modes that you can choose: Easy and Hard.

The E.G.O. title drops by completing the dungeon on the easy difficulty.
To get the Death Butterflies, Solemn and Lament, you’ll need to complete this dungeon on the Hard difficulty. The boss at the end is also a Butterflies user so it will be quite challenging.
So, you’ll basically need to grind this dungeon until you’ve managed to get all the drops.
There is another thing you can do if you want to test your luck. You can use and equip the Death Butterflies for a 1% chance to get the Butterflies weapon.
So, you have two options: either you get all the materials and purchase the Butterflies from the NPC, or you try your luck with the Death Butterflies.
You can go for whichever route you want. Doing so will give you the Butterflies!

Butterflies Showcase
Lastly, we’ll be showing all the moves that the Butterflies has to offer. This will allow you to see whether getting it is worth it or not!
Basic Attack (M1)
Starting off, we have the M1s where your character will fire the gun once for each M1. Each shot fires a stream of butterflies with a bell-like sound. In the M1 combo, your character will fire the guns in an alternating way.

Z Move
With the Z move, your character will fire the guns one by one really quickly with each shot dealing damage.

X Move
Your character will aim the right gun and pause for a moment before firing one single devastating shot. A lot more butterflies will appear after the shot and the colors will change to black and white.

C Move
On activation, your character will aim the left gun and do a series of 4 damaging shots. After the move, he will look behind.

V Move
This is a really powerful move where your character will fire a steady stream of giant butterflies at the enemy. The butterflies will deal continuous damage as long as the enemy is within the stream.

F Move
Finally, we have the F move where your character will raise their guns in an animation with electricity and butterflies. After that, your character will have an aura with small butterflies being visible.
This move doesn’t do any damage but gives your character a buff.

That’s everything you need to know for the complete butterflies guide for Verse Piece. We strongly suggest you get it as it is not only powerful, but also incredibly cool looking. The grinding is a bit annoying but will be worth it in the end!