
Baldurs Gate 3: How to Steal the Idol & Save the Refugees Guide

I’m sure no one’s going to miss this!

Baldur's Gate 3 How To Steal The Idol

Often times, your choices and actions in Baldur’s Gate 3 has consequences. Those consequences might happen now, or it might come back to you later down the line. One of the actions you can do in the early stages of the game is to steal the idol in the Druid’s grove. The moment you do that though it might get a bit violent in the grove. Which is a bit concerning since a few kids want that idol.

In this guide, we’ll show you how to steal the Idol in the Druid’s grove without starting a massacre. It’ll involve some secrets and some fights so be sure to get ready for those!

How to Steal the Idol & Save the Refugees Guide

When you try to steal the idol in the Druid’s Grove while they’re doing the Rite of Thorns, you’ll trigger a cutscene. The druids will start fighting the Tiefling refugees in the grove and not only that, but they’ll try to attack you as well. We don’t want that, but why do we want the Idol anyway?

Well, it’s because if you meet the leader of the Tiefling kids, they’ll ask for the Idol. Since it’s a quest, you might want to know how to get it, XP is XP after all!

All you need to do this is a sneaky rogue like Astarion, an Invisibility Potion and a character that’s good with Deception or Intimidation.

Baldur's Gate 3 Kagha

To actually get the idol without triggering a bloodbath, you’ll first need to do the Investigate Kagha quest. Without spoiling much, after you do this quest, they’ll stop the ritual until Halsin gets back. We have an entire guide on how to Investigate Kagha, so you can check that out to complete the quest.

Baldur's Gate 3 Druid Idol

After you expose Kagha, the druids will stop the ritual but will keep the Idol there. Now, all you need to do is to get a sneaky rogue like Astarion and get an Invisibility Potion.

Before you do anything, unchain Astarion from your party so the entire party won’t follow you when you move around.

Go next to the Idol and drink the Invisibility Potion. Next, you’ll need to steal the idol and then quickly fast travel somewhere else.

Once you’ve done that, quickly switch to the character with the High Deception or Intimidation. The Druids will try to find who stole it and talk to you. Roll either a Deception or Intimidation check and pass it to not get caught.

Baldur's Gate 3 Druid Catching You

Once you’re done bluffing of intimidating your way out of there, that should be it! You have the idol, and you can now give it to the kids!

That’s how you steal the idol and save the refugees in Baldur’s Gate 3. Now go out there and try to do it yourself! Make sure to not get caught!

ALSO READ: Baldur’s Gate 3: Break Yurgir’s Contract Guide


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