
Dragonheir Silent Gods: Best Lightning & Radiance Rare Heroes Tier List

Become all powerful with the right heroes.

Dragonheir Silent Gods is a turn based open world RPG that features many heroes from different classes. We have Fire, Poison, Ice, Necrosis, Lightning, and Radiance, all of which feature different characters that you can play with. However, not all of these heroes are going to be good.

Some of them are going to be a little bad compared to the others, and some of them are so good that they are always on the team no matter what. In this tier list, I am going to show you the best and worst Lighting and Radiance Rare heroes in Dragonheir Silent Gods.

You may also want to check out the Best F2P Healers in the game!

Best Lightning & Radiance Rare Heroes Tier List

Bear in mind that this tier list is entirely subjective and opinionated. These characters all have different strengths and weaknesses that will work well with others and might clash with other characters. So, always explore and test out different combinations of heroes to get better results.

Dragonheir Silent Gods Lightning and Radiance Rare heroes tier list for Dragonheir Silent Gods.

S Tier

  • Irina – Irina is a support character, but her damage is incredibly large. Her support is also a big highlight, as she grants a shield to random allies every time she attacks. But back to her damage, she can chain lighting up to 3 enemies that deals a lot of damage, especially when she has Rally. Not only that, but her Ultimate grants Attack Penalty II, which negates enemy damage by 50%, which is great to use in boss fights.
  • Enna – Enna is overall a very solid support hero due to how much buffs and recovery she gives with her skills. While fighting, she can help regenerate the health of her allies in a fight, and this can last continuously throughout the fight. Not only that, but she can also dispel other debuffs that are affecting her allies, making her a great support and healer.
  • Quarion – Quarion is another great healer to use in your team. Not only that, but he gets his defense, as well as his other allies defenses up when in a team. He doesn’t really do much outside of healing, but he is quite fantastic as a healer and support character that he can keep the team alive long enough to finish the mission.

A Tier

  • Caledo – Caledo, while being a good healer, is more of a balanced melee fighter and healer. He doesn’t prioritize healing all that much, as he has the weaker versions of the healing and defense abilities that those in S tier has. But that doesn’t mean he is bad, as he can deal some damage while keeping people alive, just not efficiently as Irina, Enna, or Quarion.
  • Vani – Vani can grant herself a damage boost after 3 basic attacks, which is great in any situation whatsoever. Plus, she gets a 30% attack buff that can utterly decimate her opponents. Combining that with her damage boost, Vani can easily wipe out an entire team by herself, as long as there are healers to ensure she doesn’t die first.
  • Evania – Evania is a great support character that can grant Rally to her other allies. When Evania gets Rally, she has a 75% chance to grant Rally to other allies to really boost the team, especially when it comes to characters like Immeral who deal massive damage with their Ultimates. Not only that, but she also has the ability to increase her Ultimate damage by consuming her Rally, which grants a 30% increase in damage to the 650% damage already.
  • Grover – Grover is another good support character to have in a fight due to the fact that he can steal an enemy’s Ultimate energy, preventing them from dealing massive damage to your team. While it may not sound like much, but having a character that can steal Ultimate energy helps in a lot of fights, especially in boss fights where a boss can deal massive damage to an entire team.
  • Gerana – Gerana is a support character that can really help in making sure that your team stays alive. Her primary use in a fight is that she removes buffs from enemies and some debuffs from your characters, which is super helpful when fighting enemies that tend to debuff characters a lot, as well as buffing themselves at the same time.
Best Lightning & Radiance Rare Heroes Tier List Irina

B Tier

  • Immeral – Immeral is kind of an underdog when it comes to damage in the game. His Ultimate alone is able to hit enemies with a 700% attack damage, which is crazy considering that it is also an AoE attack. However, Immeral doesn’t really do much after that. His basic attacks and other skills don’t hold a candle to his Ultimate, which might be the best thing about him.
  • Haug – Haug offers a great attack speed bonus when in a team. He also has a pretty great attack bonus, but only for him. His attack speed bonus is what really makes him great, as he can get your entire team the attack bonus to quickly take out enemies. He also ignores a target’s defense by 40%, which great increases his damage. But he’s only really good for boss fights.
  • Wellby – Wellby can grant a character and himself an attack boost, but only if he gets Rally. However, bear in mind that you won’t be able to select which other character gets an attack boost, as the selection is completely random. Other than that, Wellby is more likely not a good character for anything else, and it’s hard to build an entire team around his abilities.
  • Kailes – Kailes is a great character that can grants support in the battlefield. One of her most notable skills is the ability to grant an attack boost to the character in your team that has the largest base attack damage (not counting when buffed already). She also has a 750% Ultimate damage, but most of her skills aren’t really meant for attacking, as she is more focused on buffing than attacking.
  • Fizzle – Fizzle is a middle of the road character. Not too bad but not too good either. His stats scale up when in a fight, which is great. But it’s entirely situational and it won’t happen too much, which means that Fizzle will most likely remain with his base stats throughout the whole fight when in a team with other hard hitting characters.
  • Dain – Dain is a very good tank compared to Berrik and Sallyanne. He adds defense to the character with the lowest HP, which means that he will be ensuring that your weakest character in your team will be alive much longer than anticipated. It really helps when that said character is a healer or support character.
  • Yagnatz – Yagnatz is sort of a missed opportunity kind of character. What makes Yagntaz great is that he does so much damage with just his basic attack, whereas other characters need to rely on their skills and Ultimate in order to deal major damage. But due to how strong his basic attack is, there’s not much that Yagnatz can give to the team besides his high damage basic attack.
  • Altair – Altair has a passive that allows him to get an increase in his attack speed when an enemy’s health is below 50%, allowing him to deal with enemies much quicker. However, it’s a very niche passive and it rarely happens since an enemy might already be dead before he can even his passive. It might be more useful in boss fights, which is why I said it’s niche.
Dragonheir Silent Gods: Best Lightning & Radiance Rare Heroes Tier List

C Tier

  • Broll – Broll is pretty decent, but only in certain situations and team formations. When in a team that has a character that grants Rally, Broll will get an increase in his critical rate in attacks, making him even more powerful. But without a character to grant Rally, Broll is not useful in a lot of fights, leaving him as a very situational character.
  • Berrik – Berrik is a good character for DPS, but not really good as a defender. He can deal massive damage and keeps himself alive like a tank. He’s self sustaining and he won’t really need to be looked after, but when with other characters that all work as a team, Berrik will just look like a waste of a spot for a different character.
  • Dora – Dora is not really that great of a character. Her most notable contribution to a fight is an increased accuracy by 50%. Other than that, Dora doesn’t contribute much to a fight. She does have an Attack Penalty attribute, but it’s not as good as the Attack Penalty II, as she has the first version of it.
  • Arlow – Arlow is a very boring character. Not much can be said about Arlow as he doesn’t have any noteworthy abilities, other than the ability to attack a character that has the lowest health without using a turn, as well as his basic attack dealing splash damage. But even then, that splash damage doesn’t do much, and it just seems like a poor man’s AoE attack.
  • Mulier – Mulier is also boring to use. Other than the fact that he gets a 30% increased in attack damage when getting Rally, he doesn’t do much else. Doesn’t give Rally to others, doesn’t do much damage unless he gets a Rally, and his battle skills are weaker compared to others. He’s a very meh character that’s just there to use if you need to fill a slot.
  • Awstin – Awstin is a very forgettable character that doesn’t really bring too much to the team. His most notable contribution is that he can shoot an enemy that resists a debuff, which is already very rare and situational. Even his Ultimate isn’t very notable, as it only stuns one target, unlike other characters that can stun enemies with their skills.
  • Sallyanne – Sallyanne is quite possibly the worst in the list. She’s not very good when in a team, as she tends to keep herself alive more than the rest of the team. It’s practically impossible to have her work well with anyone else as she tends to work on herself than play as a team with other characters.

That’s all you need to know for the tier list for Lightning and Radiance characters in Dragonheir Silent Gods. Do you agree with the ranking of this tier list? Let us know what you think in the comments below.

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