MOBA games is still standing strong as a genre within the gaming sphere and for good reason. One of the biggest games out there is still League of Legends, a MOBA game being played by hundreds of thousands of players everyday. This time a new MOBA has been released and it’s called Predecessor, a third-person MOBA game with amazing graphics, interesting characters mixed with the same MOBA gameplay and mechanics that a veteran should know of. If you’re thinking of playing a support character in this game Dekker is a great choice and in this guide we’ll show you how to play Dekker in Predecessor for those who want to try it out.
Dekker Complete Guide | Support In Predecessor
Dekker is a support hero, one of the many roles in MOBA games like Carry and Jungle, that means the player has to support his team, specifically the carry at the start of the match. As the match goes on the carry should roam helping lanes, supporting on ganks and so on. A support doesn’t just stay in one place and often has to help the entire team across the map. Now that you know the basics of the support role let’s go through the abilities Dekker has.

Rocket Boost is Dekker’s passive ability which is basically a double jump. There’s a cooldown for this double jump but the cooldown lowers every time you use an ability.
Her Primary ability is the Photon Distributor, you emit a beam that goes to a straight line dealing damage and slowing down the enemy.
Containment Fence is a secondary ability that makes a fence around an area that prevents enemies from passing through. Great for keeping an enemy somewhere or blocking off an area.
Stasis Bomb is an alternate ability that launches a bouncing ball that stuns enemies when hit in a small area. The further you are from the target the longer the stun is so keep that in mind.
Ion Strike is the ultimate ability of Dekker and it deals massive damage in an area as well as slowing enemies down, if the enemy is in the center they’re stunned instead.

The item build for Dekker is the standard item build for support. Try to get items that increase your Mana so you can sustain your abilities longer, Ability Haste to lower the cooldown of the abilities and finally Armor or health.
Congratulations you now know the basics of using Dekker as a Support in Predecessor, now go out there and try this hero out. Many thanks to SpookyFairy for showing everyone how to do this, if you need more information on the subject then go check their video out here: DEKKER Predecessor (GUIDE) – Best Duo Lane Support Hero? – YouTube
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