
Predecessor ITEMS Guide: Crests, Upgrades, Tiers & Builds Explained

Get the right items for the job!

MOBA may not be an exact science, or a science at all but a lot of people make builds of different heroes. Down to level and ability progression to item builds and so on, anything to get an edge against the enemy. These builds have been there since the old games like DOTA and now we’ll be looking at how items are items work in Predecessor. Unlike most MOBAs predecessor has their own twists in terms of item builds and it can be quite confusing for new players. In this guide we’ll show you how to items work as well as some tips and tricks for new players.

Crests, Upgrades, Tiers & Builds Explained In Predecessor ITEMS Guide

We all know that feeling of jumping into a new game not knowing anything about it, getting absolutely destroyed by the enemy with smurf accounts and then go to the internet to look for build guides. It’s a process most people go through when starting a new game specially ones against other people. That’s why it’s important that you know the basics of the game first, this is how items work in the game.


Source: SpookyFairy – YouTube

At the start of the game you get to choose a crest. These crests will stay with you the entire game and can even change as the game progresses. Think of it as a permanent item that you get at the start of the game.

Source: SpookyFairy – YouTube

When taking a crest you also need to take note of the quest that comes with it. Each crest has different quests and you can see it in the crest selection screen or when in game at the lower right. Remember to do the quests to make your crests stronger.

Source: SpookyFairy – YouTube

Once the quest is complete it usually changes to a better version of the crest, and at later stages you can even evolve the crest to an even more powerful version. The evolution has different choices as well so make sure you know what to get.


Source: SpookyFairy – YouTube

Aside from crests there’s also items that you can buy at the base, these items like in any other MOBA can transform to other items just as long as you have the money for it. To the left is a handy filter where you can choose which bonuses you want and it’ll show the items that have that bonus, you can select multiple bonuses to get the best ones.

Source: SpookyFairy – YouTube

When you’re a beginner it’s highly suggested that you keep the auto buy button at the lower left on. By default it is on and is best left on when you’re still learning the game. When you want to buy things manually you can turn that off.

There are also recommended items that the game suggests and you can actually double click on the item to buy what you can, so even if you don’t have enough gold for all the items, you can still buy the per-requisites for now. You can also see what the different items that expensive item needs to the right of the buy menu.

Congratulations you now know the basics of items and crests in Predecessor, now go out there and try it out. Many thanks to SpookyFairy for showing everyone how to do this, if you need more information on the subject then go check their video out here: Predecessor ITEMS Guide: Crests, Upgrades, Tiers & Builds Explained – YouTube

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