Anime Fighting Simulator X just added in Adventures for anime enjoyers to try out. Playing this mode is guaranteed to have fancy rewards at the end so there’s no reason to not try it out. The only problem is that it requires adventure tickets to get into.
There has to be a way to get adventure tickets in the game without having to sell your soul or borrow your mother’s credit card credentials to buy Robux right? Anyway, feel free to read the rest of the guide if you want to participate in the new adventure mode!
How To Get Adventure Tickets Guide
To access Adventures in Anime Fighting Simulator X, visit any of the safe zones nearby. It’s going to be sitting next to the UGC Shop. Some bosses have a 1% chance of dropping an Adventure Ticket, which isn’t much.
That’s a needless amount of time required for one ticket. It’s much better to fight the Overhaul boss instead since he has a higher chance of dropping the ticket.

You can find the Overhaul boss over at the My Hero Academia island. Get there by heading west of the Volcano and then southwest of the Chakra Tree. To summon Overhaul, fight all of the Yakuza on the island until you get an Eri Shard.
Go to the Endeavor NPC north of the island to get to the arena and fight the boss. Remember to use the Eri Shard to actually summon the boss.
Overhaul has a 10% chance of dropping an adventure ticket each time you take him down. No other NPC will drop the ticket by chance so Overhaul is going to be your best bet when it comes to farming Adventure Tickets.

And that’s how you get Adventure Tickets in Anime Fighting Simulator X. Flying will get you to the island faster, and we just happened to have a bird mount guide if you don’t have a means of getting there!
ALSO READ: Anime Fighting Simulator X: How To Join A Tournament Guide