
Arcane Odyssey: How To Be Invincible

Block your way to victory!

Pushing the limits of a video game is where all of the wacky fun begins. I’ve played Morrowind and I know how to break the alchemy system so you can get unlimited stats at the start of the game. I’ve done builds in MMOs and CRPGs that maximize damage and nothing but damage on a single strike and it feels great.

In Arcane Odyssey, an RPG in Roblox, there’s ways where you can maximize your stats in the game. Then there’s ways where you can even take it further with the right combination. In this guide we’ll show you how to be invincible in the game, all you need to have are certain items and some food!

How To Be Invincible In Arcane Odyssey

Okay let’s not get ahead with ourselves here, it’s not really full Invincibility. If that were the case it would be considered and exploit and would be fixed instantly by the devs the moment it comes to light.

Instead what we’re going to do is stack as many buffs as possible so you can maximize your blocking power. With it you can block any attack in the game and be the stone wall you’ve always wanted to be. Just don’t expect to actually fight anyone with this since you’ll be bad at everything else!

To start off you’ll need to collect a lot of this rare ingredient called Horizon Rosemary. This can only be found in Skycliff islands, if you cook it with any ingredient it’ll give the Fortified Buff that increases your blocking power by a lot.

If you then eat that food with the Horizon Rosemary, and equip the Ravenna War Shield and you can tank anything as long as you’re blocking. It only lasts as long as the food buff though so keep that in mind.

Congratulations you now know how to be invincible in Arcane Odyssey, now go out there and try to do it yourself!

ALSO READ: Arcane Odyssey – Mage Guide


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