Are There Dedicated Servers in Nightingale?

Are There Dedicated Servers in Nightingale?

Christian Gallos
2 Min Read

Without a doubt, Nightingale is shaping up to be the open-world survival title to watch, and with Early Access arriving in just a few days, it’s only natural that more and more gamers are curious about what Nightingale has to offer.

In essence, it’s a survival game you can play either on your own, or with friends. It’s a game where the player crafts and fights their way through the Fae Realms — toward the last bastion of humanity, the titular Nightingale.

That said, as an open-world survival coop title, this begs the question: will the game have dedicated servers?

Are There Dedicated Servers in Nightingale?

Community members are right to be curious about the amount of support Nightingale servers will have, as dedicated servers will always be preferred compared to its P2P counterpart.

Portal in Nightingale.
These portals will either be your best friend — or worst enemy.

After all, when a group of players are going through an adventure through arcane portals toward the ultimate goal of Nightingale, having one player be the host means when they’re offline, no one else can play. Dedicated servers are the way to go as it ensures that the world persists no matter which player decides to hop in or out.

Patient fans rejoice, as the game will definitely have Official Dedicated Servers! However, as of the moment, the initial Early Access Launch will not have private server support.

SIDE NOTE: We have a FAQ (Frequently-asked-Questions) article for Nightingale. Make sure to check it out for more information!

Mechanism in Nightingale.
Come Early Access, ready or not — it’ll be time to test your mettle!

Found this little article useful? We’ll have many more guides concerning Nightingale in the coming weeks! In the meantime, check out our article where we answer if there are community mods in Nightingale.

Christian has been deep in the gaming world for over a decade, transitioned from being a League of Legends: Wild Rift Esports player to creating video game content full-time. He's dabbled in all kinds of genres and platforms, building not just skills but a long list of games played along the way. These days, Christian is all about sharing that passion, making content that feels real, relatable, connected and most importantly, helpful to the gaming community!
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