There are a lot of big quests in Baldur’s Gate 3 and a lot of them can be quite confusing. Sometimes, you just miss out on information and the journal doesn’t give you enough. Maybe you’ve loaded the game for the first time in days and you’ve forgotten the context. Whatever the case may be, you’ll want to catch your bearings and know what’s the next step.
In this guide, we’ll show you how to start and finish the quest Return Rakath’s Gold. A quest that has a big money reward and a meeting with an old Baldur’s Gate companion. Now, let’s see how this quest works.
Return Rakath’s Gold
This quest requires you to do some investigating, puzzle solving and fighting at the end. A great spread of activities for a quest and surely not the only one in the game. Here are the steps we’ll be taking to finish this quest:
- Start The Quest By Talking To Rakath Glitterbeard in The Counting House – High Security Vaults.
- Investigate the Vault.
- Go to the Sewers.
- Solve Sluice gate puzzle.
- Fight Roah Moonglow and take the gold from her.
- Give the gold back to Rakath and complete the quest!
This article continues with a detailed walkthrough down below!
Detailed Walkthrough
To start off, you’ll want to go to the Counting House in Baldur’s Gate. Inside that building, you’ll at one point find yourself in the High Security Vaults. There, you’ll see the vaults have been ransacked there’s no treasure inside. Just near the central vault is a dwarf named Rakath Glitterbeard, talk to him to start the quest.

He’ll tell you to investigate the vault for any clues. Go inside the vault to see all the chests and crates without any loot in them, quite sad. When you go inside the vault, your characters will notice that there are footprints inside. The footprints smell of the sewers, so that’s the first area we’ll be going to.

Now onto the sewers. There’s nothing really notable in the sewers, just head to the northwestern parts to continue. There, you’ll find a large room with a puzzle inside. Two valves and two large pumps at the back.

Sluice Gate Puzzle
To solve this puzzle, it’s fairly simple. To the right of the valves is a small note that you can read. It says on the note that you’ll need to increase the water and temperature level at the same time. Also, you should increase both of them to the perfect level.

To solve this puzzle, you’ll need to activate the two valves. When you mouse over them, you’ll see if it’s raising the water or temperature level. It will also say what the current level is, increase both at the same time till you get the perfect level for each.
Once that’s done, you can then go to the bottom of the room through a pipe. In that pipe, you’ll meet Minsc and Roah Moonglow. Reminder that if you want to save Minsc, you’ll want to have Jaheira in your party.

Fight Roah Moonglow and the Gang
Once you get through the pipe tunnel, you’ll meet Roah, Minsc and Jaheira. If Jaheira is in your party, then you should know what’s going on. Whatever the case may be, a fight will start and Roah will start running away. Make sure to target her first, moves that reduce movement or stop her is great. Casting Hold Person or placing webs as a spider can be great.
If she runs away, you’ll have to confront her in the Thieves Guild base.

Once you defeat Roah, you’ll want to go to get to her corpse and find the stolen gold. It’s going to be inside a bag and it’s carrying a total of 10,000 gold! It’s quite heavy as well so keep that in mind when you’re taking it.

Completing The Quest
With the gold in hand, you’ll want to go back to the Counting House. Once there, you’ll talk to Rakath again and talk about the terms. You can either give him all the gold or do some skill checks to give them half. Whatever your choice is, he’ll give you a key for the reward.

To use the key, just go back to the vault that’s been ransacked and open the wall safe at the back. Open the safe with the key and get the reward, a very rare light armor piece!

That’s how you finish the Return Rakath’s Gold in Baldur’s Gate 3. Now, go out there and try to do it yourself! Be sure to go check out our guide on the bloodless status and how to cure it or get it if you haven’t already.
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