RNG-based games that are essentially slot machines with various additional features have taken Roblox by storm recently, and one of the more popular titles is Blades of Chance. In this article, we will be showing you every single one of the rare swords that you can get in this collecting game, so let’s get to it!
All Sword Guide & Showcase
Before we begin, it should be noted that the developers are periodically adding new swords (and even non-swords) in the game. Because of this, we may miss a few of the new stuff or have no images for them yet.
We will try to go through all the current known ones in order, as well as the current limited offerings in the shop.
Again, we may not have images for some of these (or at least not pictures of them in the index), as a lot of new common and rare stuff were added on release.
Common Swords
#1. Silverleaf (1 in 2)
The Silverleaf is the most common sword in the game, making it virtually impossible for you to have never seen it yet. It is a basic katana with nothing special going for it.

#2. Ironfang (1 in 4)
The Ironfang is another incredibly common sword that you will definitely have in your collection as early as your second chest.
It appears to be a basic short sword that has a few glowing white particles flying around the blade itself. Holding this will also give your character a very subtle white aura.

#3. Boneblade (1 in 8)
The Boneblade is somewhat similar to the previous sword, but with a more prominent misty effect on the blade. Holding it will also give you a bone-themed aura around your character.

#4. Shatterblade (1 in 16)
The Shatterblade is one of the first flashy swords you will get in the game. It has an elegant design with a sort of crescent moon theme going for it.
Holding this weapon will cause your character to emit stars from their body. A purple vortex will also appear at your feet while this is equipped.

#5. Crimson Shard (1 in 32)
The Crimson Shard has a fairly basic blade, with the catch being that it has a constant red glow surrounding it. Holding the weapon will cause red orbs to appear above your character, which also channels an aura of the same color around you.

#6. Foul Fang (1 in 64)
The Foul Fang is a longsword that has a sort of draconic design. It is heavily ice-themed, as it not only has an icy effect, but it also creates a light blue aura around your character. Snowflakes also fly around you as you hold it.

#7. Heavens Faith (1 in 128)
Heaven’s Faith is where you start to feel how hard it is to get higher rarity swords. It is a large blade that will cause a sort of heavenly yellow aura to emit from your body.
Whenever you equip it, your character will pull it from under the ground, causing a large circle of divine energy to appear for a brief moment.

#8. Voidwalker (1 in 256)
In complete contrast to the previous weapon, the Voidwalker is a dark-themed sword that is completely jet black. While holding it, your character will have a sinister dark aura around them that, oddly enough, sparkles with stars.

Rare Swords
#9. Valhalla Vanguard (1 in 1,024)
The Valhalla Vanguard is the first “non-sword” of the collection, as it is a greataxe themed around Norse mythology. While holding it, a shiny white aura will appear on your feet, as well as glowing orbs around your character and over your head.

#10. Luminescence (1 in 2,000 / Unobtainable)
The Luminescence was a limited time reward for using the AFK spot before the game’s official release, making it deceptively extremely rare.
It is a very flashy sword with a glowing nebula effect surrounding the entire weapon. It’s actually hard to find one of these out in the wild, and those who have it report issues with it appearing in the index.
I managed to get a glimpse of somebody holding it as I’m writing this, and I can confirm that it creates a very bright white aura, but they logged out before I could snap a picture. Because of that, here is an image of it in someone’s inventory instead:

#11. Plasma Edge (1 in 2,048)
The Plasma Edge is a futuristic blade that emits purple energy around it. While equipped, your character holds it behind their back and it creates a purple force field around you.

#12. Plaguebearer (1 in 4,096)
The Plaguebearer has a caustic green color with a blade that has glowing parts. It looks like a necromancer’s weapon, and it creates an aura of green skulls around your character, as well as floating orbs of the same color.

#13. Opal Occisor (1 in 6,000)
The Opal Occisor is a pair of swords that have a sort of watery theme, and your character will sheathe both blades behind their back.
Whenever it is equipped, you will perform a flashy spinning maneuver with both swords that creates a blue aura all around you that persists after the animation.

#14. Circuit Cleaver (1 in 7,500)
The Circuit Cleaver is another futuristic themed blade that has a large glowing blade and creates various holographic panels and particle effects all around your character as it is equipped.

5-Digit Rarity Swords
#15. Celestial Edge (1 in 10,000)
The first of the swords that have a drop rate of 1 in 10,000 and above is the Celestial Edge. It is a longsword that has a fiery blue effect around the blade.
In addition to that, the wielder will have a spinning blue aura all around their feet, as well as chains and spears sticking out of them. A blue crown will also hover beside your character’s head.

#16. Purple Mistral (1 in 15,000)
The Purple Mistral is essentially a giant drill that glows, as you’d expect, purple. It also creates a sort of demonic purple aura around your character with what appear to be horns made out of pure energy.

#17. Pharaoh’s Staff (1 in 20,000)
Yet another “non-sword” weapon, the Pharaoh’s Staff is very obviously inspired by ancient Egypt. The staff itself has a snake-like figure, and it creates all sorts of flashy effects all around your character when it is held.

#18. Void Slayer (1 in 50,000)
The Void Slayer has a curvy blade and yet another theme centered around purple energy. In addition to creating an aura around your character, it also shows two swirling energy balls to your sides.

#19. Dragon’s Fury (1 in 65,000)
Although it has a fairly basic sword design, the Dragon’s Fury has a burning blade accompanied by other draconic effects. It creates an aura of fire all around you, and it gives your character glowing red eyes.

#20. Serpent’s Bite (1 in 85,000)
The Serpent’s Bite is a sea-themed trident. When equipped, your character will fly up into the air and start charging up. Upon touching the ground, glowing fish will start circling you, and blue orbs will appear around your character.
SIDE NOTE: If you’re interested, make sure to check out our guide on how to get easy luck potion & elixir as well!

6-Digit Rarity Swords
#21. Frostbite (1 in 100,000)
The Frostbite is the first of the more exceedingly rare weapons in the game, and as the name implies, it is an ice-themed blade.
After twirling it around for a few seconds, the Frostbite creates an aura of ice all around you, as well as a cloud that drops snowflakes on the ground over time.

#22. Tempest Edge (1 in 125,000)
The Tempest Edge is actually a staff that your character holds in an odd way while idling. After slamming the ground a couple of times, various particle effects and a large clock will appear around your character.

#23. Thunderheart (1 in 150,000)
Despite the name, Thunderheart actually has nothing to do with thunder or lightning. It is a longsword with a purple aura, and after slamming the ground with it, a bunch of skulls and runes will start circling around you.

#24. Shadowbane Reaver (1 in 250,000)
The Shadowbane Reaver is an edgy sword with a black mist surrounding the blade itself. When equipped, your character will stab the ground and channel dark red energy all around them.
After the animation, an aura of dark red and black energy will surround your character, giving you a sort of sinister demonic look while idling, especially at night time.

#25. Galactic Edge (1 in 350,000)
The Galactic Edge has a very long blade with a transparent purple middle part. When held, your character will start hovering in the air, and purple orbs will start circling you. Your eyes will also start glowing.

#26. Chaos Scythe (1 in 500,000)
This one is particularly hard to find at the moment, but the Chaos Scythe basically has an edgy black and white theme. It has a very flashy equip animation, completely engulfing the surrounding area in black energy for a brief moment.

#27. Bloodthorne (1 in 800,000)
The Bloodthorne is yet another scythe with a much larger blade part and hilt. It has a similarly dark theme as the last one, except it focuses more on red colors.
Your character will sit down while hovering in the air, and while equipped, the scythe gives your character a red scarf made of energy.

Millions and Beyond
#28. Abyssal Reaper (1 in 1,000,000)
The Abyssal Reaper is another scythe with a violet theme. When equipped, your character will hop in the air and perform a slashing attack to create a portal.
After that, your character hovers in the air with a fancy sitting animation as one of their eyes start glowing. Void energy will also start circling around and above you.

#29. Aurora (1 in 1,500,000)
Aurora is an extremely rare sword that makes your character float in the air while lying down. When equipped, your character will summon a large pillar of energy before creating an aurora-themed aura all around their body.

#30. Tranquility Staff (1 in 7,000,000)
Almost like the previous weapon, the Tranquility Staff summons a very large beam of yellow energy when it is equipped.
Following this animation, a series of bright yellow orbs will circle around your character, as well as glowing swords. Your eyes will also start glowing, though you’ll barely see it with all the effects unless you zoom in.

#31. Solstice Slicers (1 in 10,000,000)
The Solstice Slicers is one of the rarest weapons you can get from regular chest rolls. It is a pairof incredibly bright shortswords with an angelic theme.
Upon equipping them, your character will start floating in the air, as divine wings appear behind you. Various bright yellow particle effects and auras will also start appearing around your character.
SIDE NOTE: While you’re at it, make sure to check out our complete beginners guide for Blades of Chance as well!

Limited Swords (From Limited Shop Chest)
Bloodmoon (1 in ???)
The Bloodmoon is the most common weapon you can get from the current limited chest in the shop, which costs gems. It is a pair of daggers that creates a sinister red aura around your character.

Azure Serpent (1 in ???)
This giant sword creates a circle of blue energy both above and below your character, as well as an aura around your model with the same color.
In addition to that, this also summons a dragon head that floats above your head, and your eyes will start toglow. The blade itself is nothing spectacular, but it makes up for it with all the extra effects.

Eagle Eye (1 in ???)
The Eagle Eye is a curvy sword that has a green mist around the blade itself. After equipping it, your character will do a forward slash.
After this animation, a throne with green flames will appear, and your character sits on it while holding the sword on the side. A green aura will also circle around your feet.

Inferno Cleaver (1 in ???)
Finally, the Inferno Cleaver, which only has a 1% chance to drop from the limited Chest of Dreams, is a large fiery axe with a pretty elegant blade design.
As you would expect with its name, this weapon will create a large flame effect both below and above your character, who will be floating in the air. These flames will follow you around as you fly.

And those are all of the known weapons in the game at the moment, with more being added as it continues to be updated. If you are looking for other luck-based Roblox games to try, check out our beginner’s guide for Hade’s RNG!