Being a member of the Task Force 141, you are assumed to be an elite soldier with skills that no ordinary soldier should have. In Task Force 141, you are assigned missions that could decide the fate of an important politician, or the fate of a country. You also have toe be stealthy and quiet, like a ghost, which Ghost is an expert at. In the mission Wetwork, you can earn a trophy called Nessie by being stealthy. If you are interested in getting the trophy, then follow this guide to get this trophy.
Nessie Trophy Guide – Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2

When the mission starts, you will be swimming through the water. There will be multiple guards as well. There is one guard on the dock that you can take out when you throw a knife at him.

Go through the docks and jump down into the water between these two ships and swim towards the next dock.

Swim towards this dock then jump off the other side and hide behind the boat.

There are three guards you should take out. Shoot this one here.

Then shoot the other two over here. You have to be quick, as taking one out will alert the other. After you have taken out the two guards here, swim towards them.

On your way to the dock where the two bodies are, there’s another guard near the boats on your right. Shoot him and wait for the boat to drive by. You should go underwater if you don’t have a good place to hide so you can avoid detection.

Once they have passed you, quickly emerge from the water and shoot them down. This will avoid getting detected later as they patrol the docks. Make sure to get the bullets from the two bodies you shot down earlier as well.

Continue forward and swim between the dock and a red boat for cover.

Peak around the red boat and you should see an enemy guarding the dock here. Shoot him down.

Quickly look to your right and you should see another enemy here. He will hear the last enemy go down, so you have to take him out quickly as well.

Continue towards this boat here and stay behind it for cover.

Look to your right and you should see an enemy roaming around. Quickly take him out.

Look behind you and you should see another boat with two enemies patrolling. Quickly take them out as well.

Turn around and swim to the other side oft the boat. When you peak around the corner, you will see two guards. You might miss the guard on the right, as he goes forward. But in the event that he stays in place, quickly take down both guards.

The last guard will be on the stone path. Get up from the water and you should see him walking down the path. Take him out and you will get the Nessie trophy.
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