In Clover Retribution, it’s important that you’re able to get Clover Mastery for your Grimoire. Doing so will make them stronger, and let you progress further into the game. In this guide, I’ll show you a quick and easy way to farm clovers for your abilities. Without further ado, let’s jump right into it!
Best Clover Mastery Farming Guide
The technique I’m about to share works well with abilities that consume a lot of Mana. For instance, let’s say you’re using an ability like “Great Tree” with a significant Mana cost.
The first step is to open your grimoire and activate “Great Tree.”Remember that each ability has a cooldown, and you need to wait at least 30 seconds before you can use it again and gain XP.
Here’s the trick: after using “Great Tree,” or ability of choice, wait for that cooldown period to pass. Then, use the reset function in the menu.

Once you’ve reset, you can open your grimoire again and activate the same ability. It’s a simple yet effective way to quickly stack up clovers on your abilities.
This method applies to all abilities, but for those with shorter cooldowns or lower Mana costs, it might be better to wait out the cooldown rather than resetting.
Now, if you’re looking for a way to quickly grind for Mastery in general, check out this guide on Clover Retribution: Best Mastery Method.

Do you want to read more about Clover Retribution? Make sure to check out our Ultimate Clover Retribution Wiki for everything you’ll need. It’s brimming with information like NPCs, Locations, Bosses, progression and more!
And that’s the best Clover Mastery farming method in Clover Retribution. Also, if you have an Auto clicker, you can set it up to automate this process overnight. If you have questions or concerns, feel free to leave them in the comments section below.