
Dragon’s Dogma 2: Complete Augment Guide (Which Vocations Unlock Them & More)

The Arisen and Pawns are nothing without the right Augments!

If you wish to face the fantasy world of Dragon’s Dogma 2, you would do well to learn everything you can about every Augment… good thing you came across our complete guide, then!

Augments are powerful passive abilities that Arisen and Pawns can use. They can drastically power you up, so unlocking and equipping the right ones will be crucial.

In this guide, we’ll go over the basics of how Augments work, which Vocations unlock them, and even give you details that the game hides about their functionality.

Augment Basics | How They Work and How to Unlock

The basics of Augments

Augments are equippable passive skills that you can, for the most part, share across the various Vocations in the game. Every vocation besides the Warfarer has 5 unique Augments for you to unlock!

Some of these powerful Augments will greatly bolster your defenses, while others will simply give you some extra Quality of Life as you play the game.

The best thing about Augments, though, is that they aren’t exclusive to their Vocations!

For example, you can equip the Fighter’s “Mettle” Augment even if you’re currently playing as a Sorcerer. You just need to play as a Fighter until you unlock it.

You can equip up to 6 Augments, so it’s a good idea to mix and match Augments from different Vocations to get the best combination possible for your build.

Dragon's Dogma 2 Gameplay

To unlock Augments, you will need to gather Discipline Points (Dcp) and level up your Vocation Rank.

The best way to do both is to focus on killing as many weak foes as possible, as strong foes give comparatively low amounts of Discipline Points.

Vocation Guild clerk

Once you have the Discipline and Vocation Rank you need for your Augment, just head on over to either the Guild Hall or Vocation Guild.

Vocation Guild menu

Speak with the clerk to Acquire/Equip Skills and then check out the Augments section. This works the same for your Arisen and your Main Pawn.

On the topic of Pawns: they can’t use any of the Augments from the advanced Hybrid Vocations. These Vocations, like Mystick Archer, are exclusive to the Arisen!

With all the basics laid down, let’s now go over what Augments each Vocation unlocks and what their effects are. We’ll also try to be clearer with what they do than the game itself is, so keep that in mind!

Dragon’s Dogma 2 Augments | Pawn and Arisen Vocations


Dragon's Dogma 2: Complete Augment Guide - Fighter
  • Mettle (Rank 2, 500 Discipline) – Increases the user’s Physical Defense by 30%.
  • Provocation (Rank 4, 900 Discipline) – Makes the user twice as likely to be targeted by enemies.
  • Thew (Rank 6, 1800 Discipline) – Increases the user’s maximum Weight capacity by 10kg. We highly recommend having this on your Arisen and Main Pawn!
  • Dominion (Rank 8, 3000 Discipline) – Lets the user carry and pin down enemies for longer than usual.
  • Diligence (Rank 9, 5000 Discipline) – Allows the user to recover faster when they are crawling or downed.


Dragon's Dogma 2: Complete Augment Guide - Warrior
  • Vitality (Rank 2, 300 Discipline) – Increases the user’s maximum Health by 200.
  • Impact (Rank 4, 400 Discipline) – Boosts the user’s ability to push and pull enemies by 50%.
  • Pertinacity (Rank 6, 1800 Discipline) – Makes it easier to break the enemy’s guards when attacking.
  • Dominance (Rank 8, 3000 Discipline) – Increases Knockdown Power by 15%, making it easier to stagger enemies.
  • Intrepidity (Rank 9, 5000 Discipline) – Lowers how much the user’s Loss Gauge increases when attacked by 5%.


Dragon's Dogma 2: Complete Augment Guide - Thief
  • Subtlety (Rank 2, 300 Discipline) – Makes the user 15% less likely to be targeted by foes.
  • Gratification (Rank 4, 400 Discipline) – Allows the user to recover 4% Maximum Health when dealing the killing blow on a foe.
  • Poise (Rank 6, 1800 Discipline) – Reduces stamina consumption by 20% when trying to break free from a foe’s grip.
  • Vigor (Rank 8, 3000 Discipline) – Reduces stamina consumption by 15% when clinging to enemies or pinning them down.
  • Verve (Rank 9, 5000 Discipline) – Increases the user’s Strength by 30 points.


Dragon's Dogma 2: Complete Augment Guide - Archer
  • Ambuscade (Rank 2, 300 Discipline) – The user will deal 10% more damage to enemies that aren’t in a battle stance.
  • Endurance (Rank 4, 400 Discipline) – Increases the user’s Maximum Stamina by 150 points.
  • Radiance (Rank 6, 1800 Discipline) – Makes the user’s lantern consume 33% less oil and also illuminate twice as much space. Highly recommended if you journey often at night!
  • Lethality (Rank 8, 3000 Discipline) – The user will deal 5% more damage when hitting an enemy’s weak spot.
  • Avidity (Rank 9, 5000 Discipline) – Increases the user’s speed by 10% when climbing foes and cliffs.


Dragon's Dogma 2: Complete Augment Guide - Mage
  • Apotropaism (Rank 2, 300 Discipline) – Increases the user’s Magick Defense by 30%.
  • Beatitude (Rank 4, 400 Discipline) – The user will receive 10% more Health from healing items and curative magicks. Does not increase the amount of healing provided, only received.
  • Intervention (Rank 6, 1800 Discipline) – Reduces the duration of debuffs by 30% on the user.
  • Perpetuation (Rank 8, 3000 Discipline) – Enchantments and invigorations will last 20% longer on the user. Doesn’t increase the duration of enchantments and invigorations provided by the user, though, only received!
  • Exaltation (Rank 9, 5000 Discipline) – Increases the user’s Stamina recovery speed by 10%.


Dragon's Dogma 2: Complete Augment Guide - Sorcerer
  • Asperity (Rank 2, 300 Discipline) – Makes the user 20% more likely to inflict debilitations on enemies.
  • Stasis (Rank 4, 400 Discipline) – Decreases item deterioration for items in the user’s inventory.
  • Constancy (Rank 6, 1800 Discipline) – Increases the user’s Knockdown Resistance by 30%.
  • Catalysis (Rank 8, 3000 Discipline) – The user will deal 5% more damage when hitting an enemy’s elemental weakness.
  • Sagacity (Rank 9, 5000 Discipline) – Increases the user’s Magick by 30 points.

Dragon’s Dogma 2 Augments | Arisen-only Vocations

Magick Archer

Dragon's Dogma 2: Complete Augment Guide - Magick Archer
  • Sustainment (Rank 2, 300 Discipline) – Increases the Physical Defense and Magick Defense of all Pawns in your party by 30 points.
  • Voracity (Rank 4, 400 Discipline) – You’ll recover 10% Stamina when dealing the killing blow to an enemy.
  • Prolificity (Rank 6, 1800 Discipline) – Increases the item drop chance by 20% when killing small enemies, such as Goblins.
  • Ascendancy (Rank 8, 3000 Discipline) – Increases the Strength and Magick of all Pawns in your party by 30 points.
  • Amelioration (Rank 9, 5000 Discipline) – Reduces the time required to revive Pawns by 1 second.

Mystic Spearhand

Dragon's Dogma 2: Complete Augment Guide - Mystic Spearhand
  • Conveyance (Rank 2, 300 Discipline) – Increases your movement speed when carrying things by 10%.
  • Opulence (Rank 4, 400 Discipline) – You’ll obtain 5% more Gold when picking up gold pouches.
  • Polarity (Rank 6, 1800 Discipline) – Increases your Strength by 5% during the day and your Magick by 5% during the night. Ignores stat increases from equipment, so it only applies to your base stats.
  • Refulgence (Rank 8, 3000 Discipline) – You’ll get 5% Rift Crystals from every source.
  • Athleticism (Rank 9, 5000 Discipline) – Lowers Stamina consumption while running by 10%.


Dragon's Dogma 2: Complete Augment Guide - Trickster
  • Detection (Rank 2, 300 Discipline) – Notifies you of nearby Seeker’s Tokens and Wakestone Shards with blinking lights and sound cues.
  • Enlightment (Rank 4, 400 Discipline) – Gives you a 15% chance to create duplicate products when making item combinations.
  • Fugacity (Rank 6, 1800 Discipline) – Reduces the likelihood of being ambushed while camping or riding an Ox Cart by 65%.
  • Obfuscation (Rank 8, 3000 Discipline) – Enemies are 15% less likely to detect you when you keep your weapon sheathed.
  • Allure (Rank 9, 5000 Discipline) – You’ll get 10% more Friendship and Affinity when interacting with NPCs.


Promo shot of the Warfarer
  • Zeal (Rank 6, 1800 Discipline) – Your weapon skills will consume 5% less Stamina.
  • Dynamism (Rank 9, 5000 Discipline) – Reduces Stamina consumption by one Weight level. For example, Heavy Weight characters will have Normal Weight stamina consumption instead.


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