
Dragon’s Dogma 2: How To Spot Dragon’s Plague

Learn to spot the signs before everyone is killed!

Dragon’s Dogma 2 offers players a unique companion experience where you can hire Pawns that help you in battle. These pawns also provide a social aspect where you can interact with them and form a camaraderie. However, not all good things last, as you will see when you progress through the game.

At one point, you’ll come across something known as the Dragonsplague that can actually infect your Pawns. If you don’t deal with this disease, it can lead to a lot of deaths. In this guide, we’ll show you exactly how you can spot Dragonsplague. After that, we’ll also show you how you can deal with it. Let’s get into it!

How To Spot Dragon’s Plague

To spot Dragonplague in Dragon’s Dogma 2, you’ll need to look for the following signs on your Pawns:

  • Pawns will have red glowing eyes that will become more prominent as time passes
  • Pawns will grab their head in pain during random moments in their idle animation state
  • Pawns will disobey orders or be really mean to you with their dialogues.

There is currently an issue in the game where Guards constantly attack you during The Caged Magistrate mission. Check out our guide which offers some fixes to solve the guards always attacking issue.

Understanding Dragonsplague

Starting off, it is important that you first understand what Dragonsplague is before you try to spot it. At some point in the story, your Pawn will get infected with the Dragonsplague. The moment of infection can vary for people, depending on how they’re progressing through the game.

When your pawn does get infected the first time, you’ll get the following popup.

Dragonsplague pop up in Dragon's Dogma 2.

But, after the first time, if your Pawn gets infected, you won’t get any such message. In those cases, you’ll need to spot the signs. We’ll look into these signs shortly.

When Dragonsplague does occur, you’ll have a limited time to deal with it. You’ll only have 7 in-game days before the Dragonsplague does its damage.

After this time, when you rest at an Inn, an animation will play out. The infected pawn will transform into a Shadow Dragon. This Shadow Dragon will kill all your pawns and several people in the town where you stayed at the Inn.

Dragonsplague cutscene in Dragon's Dogma 2.

After the cutscene, you’ll get the following pop up. It will inform you of the damage that the Shadow Dragon inflicted.

Dragonsplague aftermath in Dragon's Dogma 2.

If you want to revive the townsfolk, you’ll need to use Wakestones on them one by one. If you don’t have them stocked up, then your town will be a ghost town until they’re revived. 

Additionally, you’ll need to wait for a while before Quest NPCs return.

In such a case, there is a special AoE Eternal Wakestone that can help you revive a large population. You’ll be able to get it after defeating the Sphinx – we have a detailed guide on how to take advantage of the Sphinx’s Secret.

So, it makes sense that you spot Dragonsplague before it does its damage. We will look at all the signs that you should look out for.

Dead Townspeople in Dragon's Dogma 2.

Dragonsplague Sign #1 – Red Glowing Eyes

The first sign that you Pawn has the Dragonsplague is their eyes. At the start, the eyes will have a very faint red glow that sometimes shines a little bit.

However, as the plague progresses, the red glow will become much more prominent. Additionally, their eyes will also start pulsating every 4 seconds.

Dragonsplague Red Eyes in Dragon's Dogma 2.

You can tell their eyes are infected when you approach and talk to them. However, some Pawns will be wearing Helmets, Masks or Glasses, which will prevent you from seeing this sign. In this case, you will have to rely on the other signs.

One solution for this is to raise visors for your Pawns when you are in your Inventory. Simply click on the helmet in the menu and raise the visor so you can see your Pawns eyes.

Raise Visor Option in Dragon's Dogma 2.

Dragonsplague Sign #2 – Clutching Head in Pain

Another sign that your Pawn has the Dragonsplague will occur when they are in their idle animation. When they’re standing, you’ll notice that they’ll start clutching their head in pain. This will happen at random moments when you are in the game.

As the infection progresses, they will start doing this a lot more. It’s a definite sign that they have the Dragonsplague.

Pawn Holding Head in Pain in Dragon's Dogma 2.

Dragonsplague Sign #3 – Disobeying Orders/ Mean Dialogue

The final sign for the Dragonsplague lies in how your Pawns act with you. During battle, when you give them commands, you’ll notice their behavior will change. They will start acting rebellious and directly disobey commands. They might even curse you.

Some dialogues to look out for are:

  • “Don’t tell me what to do!”
  • “You needn’t command me at every turn. I know what to do!”

Additionally, your other Pawns will also comment on their behavior. So, you better deal with their insubordination before things escalate!

Dragonsplague dialogue in Dragon's Dogma 2.

Dragonsplague Infection Source

Understanding where the Dragonsplague comes from can also help you spot which Pawn will get it. Typically, there are two ways in which your Pawns can get the Dragonsplague. These are:

  • Catching the disease from another Pawn
  • Catching it directly from a lesser Dragon or Drake.

So, the source of Dragonsplague comes directly from a lesser Dragon or Drake. So, you will need to be wary when you are facing these enemies. Even your Pawns will warn you that there is a chance to catch the disease when facing Dragons.

Specifcally, your Pawn will catch them when the Dragon does a specific attack

In this attack, the Dragon will grab the Pawn and hold them in front of its face. After that, it will stare into the Pawn with red blazing eyes. Once this happens, you’ll know that your Pawn has caught Dragonsplague.

Dragonsplague attack in Dragon's Dogma 2.

Dealing with Dragonsplague Infected Pawns

Now that you know how to spot the Dragonsplague, how do you actually deal with it? The first thing you need to look at is if the infected Pawn is a Main Pawn or an Extra Pawn.

If it is an Extra Pawn, you can simply Dismiss them by talking to them. After that, you can simply get another pawn and you should be good.

Dismissing Pawn in Dragon's Dogma 2.

If it’s a Main Pawn, things are slightly more complicated. Here are some ways you can deal with the Pawn:

  • Kill the Main Pawn by throwing them in the sea
  • Wait for the Main Pawn to bleed out with the timer
  • Wait for the Dragonsplague to pass onto an Extra Pawn, who you can Dismiss later.

We recommend going with the first two methods as they’re the fastest ways. After that, you can fully reset them and Summon them again from the Riftstone

The last method is not reliable, as it is possible the Dragonsplague does not pass on.

In this way, you can ensure that the deaths caused by Dragonsplague do not happen!

Throwing infected pawn in the water in Dragon's Dogma 2.

That’s everything you need to know about spotting the Dragonsplague and dealing with it in Dragon’s Dogma 2. Now you won’t have to worry about the Shadow Dragon destroying the town’s population. We still recommend having some saves in case you do not want to deal with the fallout.

As you progress through the game, you’ll also want to get stronger – which is related to Vocations. In this case, we recommend checking out our Fastest Way to Max Vocation Guide.


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