You know what’s not fun in Dying Light 2? Dying. There can be a lot of reasons as to why this may or may not happen to you quite frequently when you’re out and about. It can be just you not making the right call in time or you again but this time not having enough resources. Resources like Military Medkits.
These consumables can either be looted from the appropriate container or bought from vendors. But sometimes you just don’t have enough to heal yourself during one of your runs, and that’s all a zed would need to cut you off permanently. This guide gets rid of that though however, so keep on reading if you want to farm unlimited medkits!
How to Farm Unlimited Medkits
There’s two ways to get unlimited Military Medkits in Dying Light 2. The first method involves the Bozak Horde Challenge. The second method involves heading over to the VNC Tower basement in the Garrison District. It’s the same basement where you did the “Broadcast” quest, do that first if you haven’t to be able to explore the building freely.
Bozak Method
Once you activate the poster at the back of the Carnage Hall, the challenge will begin and you’ll be placed in the parking lot. Immediately look to your left and open the first aid box. Proceed further down the lot and grab the next one on the left.

The next one is over at the other side of the parking lot. Go behind the pillar where you got the second medkit and head straight for the double doors.

Upon grabbing the third medkit the challenge would have already ended. This is the only time you should be happy about the game telling you that you’ve failed using brightly colored red text. At the end you still have those medkits and you can keep on failing the challenge if you feel like you need a couple more.

VNC Tower Method

Follow the red rope that leads into the sunken section of the basement. Head down the stairs, and once you start doing dolphin kicks keep on going straight until you get to the other side.

When you get to the other side, go through the door that has a green tint on it. Behind that will be a first aid box. Open it to get a Military Medkit.

Now face the opposite of that box and continue up the stairs.

The stairs will be on your left. Climb those all the way to the top and you will find another first aid box on your left.

Proceed to the doorway behind the pillar where the first aid box is. Next to that will be another first aid box plastered on the wall.

Making sure to not make contact with the death puddle, head up the stairs on the right side. Directly in front of that will be another first aid box.

This is where the magic happens. All you have to do now is leave the area and come back after thirty minutes. Every container will have medkits for you to take again upon returning, giving you an infinite supply as long as you have the patience for it. That’s how you farm Unlimited Medkits in Dying Light 2, now go out there and start gathering what you can!
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