Have you ever wondered what would happen if the Knights failed to protect Gotham from the Court of Owls and instead were indoctrinated to become Talons? Well, WB Games Montreal, the developers of Gotham Knights, wondered the same thing and included these horrifyingly cool depictions of what our Knights would look like if they became Talons, servants to the Court of Owls. While cool, it serves as a glimpse of the dark future where out Knights failed and became brainwashed. If you want to get these cool looking transmogs, follow this guide and we’ll show you how to get them.
How To Unlock Talon Suit Transmog – Gotham Knigths

To get the Talon transmogs, you need to find 5 Talon Cache. They are very hard to find as they do not show up in the map and if even if you are near one, you cannot find it via AR. The only way you will know that you are near a Talon Cache is when Alfred calls you.
When passing by certain parts of Gotham City, Alfred will call you and tell you that there is a weird energy spike in the area where you are. Once you get that call, stop where you are and find the glowing green mural.
That is where the cache is. Aside from the green glow, you can find it by listening to the sound that the mural emanates. After finding one, you need to find 4 more that are scattered all over Gotham City.