Farming for items in games like MMOs can be tough, not because they’re difficult but because they can take a lot of time. Fighting the same enemy over and over can be boring and monotonous. That’s why players in Grand Piece Online has made some strides in farming more efficiently in the game. They find ways to make grinding easier like fighting multiple bosses at the same time!
In this guide we’ll show you how to stack the Great Kraken boss in the game. This is so you can fight multiple of them in the same time and get all the loot at once! Now let’s see how we can do that.
How to Great Kraken Stack FULL Guide
The Kraken is one of the many bosses in Grand Piece Online that you can fight to get some cool loot. The loot can range from fruits to armor and items so you’ll want to farm it as much as possible. The thing is it takes time fighting them one at a time, so we’ll be spawning multiple to fight them all at once!
Here are the steps we’ll be taking to stack the Great Kraken:
- Get an Alt Account with 0 Bounty, a Hoverboard and with Zushi Eaten.
- Get your main account ready with at least 100k Bounty, and any fruit with good damage and movement, like the Pika.
- With your alt using the hoverboard, from the Tower of Alabasta go straight south until you get to rough waters.
- Once you reach rough waters go forward a bit and then go full reverse.
- When you leave the rough waters, roughly after one second jump off the hoverboard.
- Align the back of your character’s feet to the back of the hoverboard.
- Use Gravity Flight, when your hand hits the board start walking forward. When done correctly it’ll launch the hoverboard up.
- Jump off when you reach 500 speed or above. This will make the hoverboard stuck up high.
- Let the Alt AFK at the back of the board, not on the ‘driver’ area.
- Invite your main account to the party with the alt as the leader.
- With your Main character, go to the hoverboard where your Alt is.
- Jump down and spawn your ship on rough waters. This will spawn a Kraken.
- Lure the Kraken to the Alt by going to the Hoverboard.
- Logout your main account.
- Using your Alt Account Geppo up until the Kraken’s name disappears, then go back to the Hoverboard and the Kraken will stay below.
- Repeat from Step 10 until you have 3 Krakens, since only 3 can spawn per account at a time.
- When the 3rd Kraken spawns just defeat them all at once and get the loot! Repeat as necessary!
This article continues with a detailed walkthrough down below!
Detailed Walkthrough
To this trick you’ll need to have a couple of things. First off, you’ll want to have an alt account that has eaten a Zushi and has a Hoverboard and no bounty. You’ll also need to have your main account to have at least 100k Bounty and have a good fruit to fight the Kraken without any problems.
Once you have all of the requirements, you’ll want to login with your alt account and go to the Tower of Alabasta. Once there head south until you reach Rough Waters, go forward a bit once you reach it. You’ll then want to reverse back at full speed and once you get out of rough waters jump off the board after 1 second.

Next is the tricky part and might need a bit of practice. You’ll want to align your character’s legs to the back of the hoverboard like it’s shown above.
Once you’ve done that use Gravity Flight and once your hand touches the board with the animation, start moving forward. This is the trickiest part since the timing depends on fps and ping, so practice makes perfect.
If done correctly you’ll launch onto the air with the Hoverboard. When your speed goes above 500 press space bar and jump out. If you’re too slow the hoverboard will glitch out and you’ll have to do it again. If done correctly it should keep the hoverboard high up away from the water.

Now go back to your hoverboard and make your alt account sit at the back, not the driver’s area. This is the part where you just leave your alt to AFK at the back of the board.

Now you need to login with your main account using another instance. You’ll then need to use your alt account to invite your main account to a party. Make sure the alt account is the party leader.
Using your main account head to the alt account’s position and get on top of the hoverboard. Jump down into the rough waters and spawn your boat, this will spawn the Kraken. Once you’ve done so, go and lure it to the hoverboard and logout.

If done correctly the Kraken should be right below the alt account. Use your Alt Account and geppo straight up until you can’t see the Kraken’s name anymore. Then go back to the hoverboard and sit at the back again.

Now all you need to do is repeat the process. Invite your main account, spawn another Kraken, lure it to the alt, geppo up, and repeat.
You can only spawn 3 Krakens at once per account. Once you have enough Krakens, just fight them all at once. Use the Hoverboard as a platform to deal ranged attacks if you want. Defeat all 3 of them and get the loot!

That’s how you stack the Great Kraken in Grand Piece Online. Now that you know how to do that go check out our guide on the Colosseum Raid for more fun stuff to do!
ALSO READ: Grand Piece Online: Beginner’s Boss Guide | Spawn New Bosses In Dressrosa