Jujutsu Shenanigans has recently updated with some minor balance changes, but a few of these have made it harder for some players to deal with certain characters. In this guide, we will be giving you a few tips on how to counter Megumi users, as that character in particular has gotten quite a small but significant upgrade that a lot of people are struggling with.
How to Beat Megumi Guide (Counter)
Megumi can be a bit tricky to deal with due to how chaotic that character’s move set can be, especially after one of them just got buffed. In this guide, we will be going through each of his attacks and how you can counter them.
If you are still new to the game, consider checking out our complete beginner’s guide for Jujutsu Shenanigans first and get a feel for what character you will be maining. This will also help you figure out the appropriate counters against Megumi.

Move #1. Rabbit Escape
Rabbit Escape is the first and most annoying move that Megumi can use, as it makes him conjure up a swarm of rabbits that will chase you down relentlessly.
Players typically use this move as either a combo starter, and they will often try to bypass your block as you try to defend against the onslaught of rabbits. When they do this, try your best to turn around and track them right before or as they dash towards you for a follow up.
While it is not guaranteed to fully counter their combo, good timing with this method will allow you to completely block their attacks in most cases.
Another way to deal with this move is by simply countering them when they try to go for a follow up attack. Not every character has a counter ability, and it is particularly risky as you will need impeccable timing to pull it off.
Other than these tips, the best you can really do is apply constant pressure against the Megumi user. Since they typically need to be within a fair distance away to initiate these moves, rushing them down works wonders most of the time.

Move #2. Nue
Nue is relatively easy to deal with as all you need to do is either walk or dash to the side or backwards once you see the giant bird appear. It doesn’t take precise timing to avoid it, so simply dodge away.
Occasionally, Megumi players might use it as a mobility tool by using the optional leg grabbing variant of Nue. If they latch on to the bird, you can try and predict where their character will end up and catch them off guard as they get on their feet.

Move #3. Toad
Similar to the previous move, Toad is easy to avoid by simply blocking it. This is typically heavily telegraphed as there is a very brief moment before the toad tries to hit you with its tongue.
This is mostly a matter of timing, so just stay vigilant and block whenever the toad pops up. Some Megumi users might use it as a way to counter you, but again, this can still be blocked as long as you are paying close attention.

Move #4. Divine Dog
Divine Dog can be fully blocked, though in most cases, you can simply tank the damage and continue applying pressure to the Megumi user. Basically, just guard against the three uses of Divine Dog and you should be fine.
If you have a way to ragdoll the Megumi user, doing that will automatically take away all three uses of the Divine Dog. This is the ideal way of countering it, but since players can be unpredictable, you might not have the opportunity to do so before they get a couple of hits first.
Yuji can be a hard counter to Megumi, as his Manji Kick ability can quickly cancel Divine Dog with very little effort. Check out our guide on Yuji Itadori in Jujutsu Shenanigans for more details on his kit.

Move #5. Lurking Shadow
The Lurking Shadow ability is mainly used for running as it merely gives the user a faster movement speed. When they hide in the shadows, simply hit them to coax them out of it as they will continue to be vulnerable during this period.
There isn’t really anything that special about this move, especially since it is not that great when used in aggressive plays. Just keep applying pressure to the Megumi user as usual if they try to run away by using this ability.
Awakened Mode – Move Set Change
An awakened Megumi will have an entirely different set of moves that you will have to deal with. Although they are very different, a lot of their counterplay is similar to the base move set. Here are the awakened moves for Megumi:
Awakened Move #1. Max Elephant
For this one, the user will summon a large elephant that will start falling on top of you. Similar to Nue, all you need to do is move out of the way to avoid all damage. It is pretty slow, so you should have no trouble avoiding and punishing this attack.
Awakened Move #2. Great Serpent
This move will allow the user to turn into a giant snake that can be independently controlled and will latch on to the first player it touches.
There is no real counterplay for this, so the best thing you can do is continue applying pressure on the Megumi user so that they cannot cast the ability at all. Otherwise, just eat the damage and hope that the poison effect that comes with it won’t finish you off.

Awakened Move #3. Shadow Swarm
On the flip side, Shadow Swarm is incredibly easy to deal with as it has a long windup animation and can be avoided by simply widening the gap between you and the Megumi user.
As long as you don’t get hit by the shadow clones, you should be fine. As with the other moves, applying pressure to the Megumi user will prevent them from even casting this ability in the first place.
Awakened Move #4. Mahoraga
Finally, Mahoraga is an odd move that can be completely avoided if you simply continue to apply pressure as always, as it is a cancellable ability.
If the Megumi user somehow gets a successful ritual, Mahoraga will spawn and the enemy player can control it. If this happens, our best advice is to simply run away and try to stall out its duration as fighting it is a plain hassle and is generally not worth the risk.
Another reason you should just keep your distance is because the Mahoraga user will gain more energy by dealing damage to other players. If you can prevent them from doing so, they will not be able to maintain control for long.

And those are all of the tips we can give you when it comes to dealing with every single move in Megumi’s move set, including his awakened kit and Mahoraga. While you’re here, check out our guide on how to wall run in Jujutsu Shenanigans as well to help you make a tactical retreat in the heat of battle.