
Lethal Company: Best Way To Steal Beehives

They’re the bee’s knees!

You’ve probably explored enough moons on Lethal Company that you’ve come across a Beehive. Seemingly innocuous, these buzzing balls of terror can turn a pretty penny. Also, they’re just kind of funny to run around with. 

If you want to collect this resource, whether to sell or just to chase your crewmates with, you’re going to have to learn the art of evading the worst enemy in the whole game. The ever-buzzing arthropod of terror and ouchie stingers, the Bee.

Become a master apiarist and put your skills to the test! In this guide, we teach you the best way to steal beehives in Lethal Company.

Best Way To Steal Beehives in Lethal Company

The formula for stealing a beehive in Lethal Company is some skill, confidence, and a dash of audacity. Don’t be mistaken, antagonizing a beehive can be a lethal mistake.  

Circuit Bees (Red Bees)

Circuit Bees or Red Bees are very defensive of their territory and will attack anyone who approaches within a few meters of the hive. And like the humble ant, what they lack in size they make up for in numbers. 

What makes Circuit Bees so dangerous is their electrostatic charge. They do this by producing friction with their wings, the air, and with each other to create a lethal electric charge. When angered, they can produce an electrical charge that can kill a prospective beehive-snatcher. 

The common assumption is that they would be deterred by water, but this isn’t the case in Lethal Company.

Water only strengthens them, so don’t try stealing a beehive when it’s raining or storming unless you want to face electrostatic flying enemies under an onslaught of pouring electroconductive water. 

Electrostatic Bees in Lethal Company.

Bee Hotspots & Locations

The best places to find a beehive for the taking would be Assurance, followed by March and Vow. Assurance is known as a bee hotspot, but in general, bees can spawn on pretty much any moon other than the ones that get snow. That being, don’t expect to find any hives on Rend, Dine, and Titan.

How To Steal Beehive

There are two ways you can go about this. Some hive-runners work better in teams while others prefer to fly solo.

Team Method

This method of stealing a beehive requires two people. You and a teammate must position yourselves according to the diagram below.

Team method to steal the beehive in Lethal Company

Make sure to keep your distance lest you provoke the bees, and if you do, just retreat and they should stop chasing you eventually.

One of you will serve as bait for the bees. This person should walk within the bee radius to trigger the bees to chase. This person has to lure them as far from the beehive as possible.

NOTE: This method isn’t foolproof, and you most likely will get hurt or die. Seen below is what this should look like.

Team method to steal the beehive in Lethal Company: Bait
Source: The PigOverLord from Steam Community

As the bees get lured away, the other player must dash into the fray and grab the hive. Do this quickly and precisely while the bees are distracted by your partner.

Team method to steal the beehive in Lethal Company: Hiverunner
Source: The PigOverLord from Steam Community

The next step is to run for your life! Especially for the person who’s holding the hive, make a break for the ship because the bees will be chasing you as long as they can (Note: As of now, the bees can go through doors so keep this in mind).

While you can run fast, the bees will be just as fast. They will be behind you for most of the chase until you can shake them off, so run around obstacles to confuse them. 

If you end up surrounded by the bees at any point, DROP IT. There’s no way to escape a hive of bees and they will kill you.

The best way to survive is to drop the hive and try again some other time. If you do manage to steal the hive, be careful because they will remain in an aggravated state for a while.

Solo Method

If you’re a lone wolf and want to tackle the challenge of the bees by yourself, you can try this solo method and hope your skills are enough to pull you through. 

A solo apiarist plays the role of both bait and hive-runner. You will have to lure the Circuit Bees away from the hive and make the dash back to take the beehive. This solo method leaves very little room for error so take caution.

Solo method to steal the beehive
Source: The PigOverLord from Steam Community

Illustrated above, a solo hive-runner runs into the radius to trigger the bees. Playing as bait, the player immediately runs out of the bee radius to lure the bees away.

Circle around to keep the bees preoccupied, and then make a straight dash for the hive. Grabe the beehive and run for your ship! 

This method will take some more practice, but if done correctly, you should be able to get away with the beehive. 

We hope this guide helps you in your quest to be a master apiarist. If you intend to sell your hard-earned beehive, you can gain 100 currency from it. Huge thanks to ThePigOverLord on the Community Page for their incredible guide. Read it here if you want to see a master wordsmith in their element: The Art of Stealing Beehives.

READ MORE: Lethal Company: All Moon Average Value Per Scan Guide


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